Department of Education - Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: UCLA School of Education and Information Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
4h916341An Analysis of Skill Mismatch Using Direct Measures of Skills30491824685
9bd8z9jrBroken bridges-new school transitions for students with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review on difficulties and strategies for success.28383556184
2qn5x84tThe Historical Development of Evaluation Use27768725879
7z3629nhTechnological Elites, the Meritocracy, and Postracial Myths in Silicon Valley25356575585
5q34p1t0Student Activism, Diversity, and the Struggle for a Just Society23963575366
9fd140p9Narrative story stem methodologies20042514463
0r93n3dkIncremental Model Fit Assessment in the Case of Categorical Data: Tucker-Lewis Index for Item Response Theory Modeling.17238713132
5z7283g0Creating inclusive environments: The mediating effect of faculty and staff validation on the relationship of discrimination/bias to students’ sense of belonging. Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity, 1 (1), 60-80.15037314438
2hq679z4In the Shadows of the Ivory Tower: Undocumented Undergraduates and the Liminal State of Immigration Reform14337293245
7gw2z6vrDefinitions of Evaluation Use and Misuse, Evaluation Influence, and Factors Affecting Use13635293141
5zg9m2gqIs literacy and the practice of literacy on the decline?12830323729
7z897522PIAAC Thematic Review on Adult Learning12728262845
1c80n5z8Early Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Under 3 Years of Age: Recommendations for Practice and Research12433313822
9z78r569Mind the gap: an intervention to support caregivers with a new autism spectrum disorder diagnosis is feasible and acceptable.10825312626
05n894kbNaturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions: Empirically Validated Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder.9526262320
1jx6091gRedefine statistical significance.87483144
6f77c72bSocial class group identity, intergroup attitudes, and views on social mobility and inequality in the U.K. and the U.S.8719222620
4b75m4tjOECD Skills Outlook 2013 First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills7928141720
1f04d27kImproving Underrepresented Minority Student Persistence in STEM7723221913
0zg6f53jPracticing Connections: A Framework to Guide Instructional Design for Developing Understanding in Complex Domains7318162118
5fr444213rd Global Report on Adult Learning and Education731931203
8wk7k0gqComparative efficacy of an early intervention parent and me program for infants showing signs of autism: The Baby JASPER model.731558
3zr0972zThinking About Race: The Salience of Racial Identity at Two- and Four-Year Colleges and the Climate for Diversity7016121626
01k730f6The Effects of Student–Faculty Interaction on Academic Self-Concept: Does Academic Major Matter?6916271511
6vm613hfAdolescent development and everyday language practices: Implications for the academic literacy of learners in multilingual environments6920142411
0vf5h3qrEducation and Social Transformation672023816
7r16c1x4Ageing and Skills652814149
24p2n5bvU.S. Central Americans: reconstructing memories, struggles, and communities of resistance647171723
2g40v40nBook Review: Strategies of Segregation: Race, Residence, and the Struggle for Educational Equality. By David G. García.6416131124
8ws1h4cvFrom Invisible to Visible: Documenting the Voices and Resilience of Central American Students in U.S. Schools6311221416
95z827gtOperation and performance of the ATLAS tile calorimeter in LHC Run 26161
2qn7h9drCommunication Interventions for Minimally Verbal Children With Autism: A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial5914102114
0vq9z24zToward a Critical Race RPP: how race, power and positionality inform Research Practice Partnerships5714141712
6dr6w4dj“But I’m Not Good at Math”: The Changing Salience of Mathematical Self-Concept in Shaping Women’s and Men’s STEM Aspirations5712171117
2sv226tfThe Counter Narrative: Reframing Success for High Achieving Black and Latino Males in Los Angeles County5613111715
1w1283k3Active ageing and older learners—Skills, employability and continued learning552411119
2zp6158sStrategies to Engage Underrepresented Parents in Child Intervention Services: A Review of Effectiveness and Co-occurring Use531618712
00r6f95zDevelopmental trajectories of joint attention49136921
1tp3f74dToxic Rain in Class492012710
7n212793Measurement of the inclusive tt¯ production cross section in the lepton+jets channel in pp collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector using support vector machines49181948
0jz0k1ppEarnings and employment benefits of adult higher education in comparative perspective: evidence based on the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)4712111311
1n4770q6Critical Media Literacy in Teacher Education, Theory, and Practice471381313
9778n6mwThe Impact of Screen-Free Zones in an Undergraduate Psychology Classroom: Assessing Exam Performance and Instructor Evaluations in Two Quasi-Experiments471415513
37h7z3q5Joint engagement is a potential mechanism leading to increased initiations of joint attention and downstream effects on language: JASPER early intervention for children with ASD4611121310
1sj0r8jzExploring the Parental Role in First-Year Students’ Emotional Well-Being: Considerations by Gender451010178
6bt1m260Fulfilling America’s Future: Latinas in the U.S., 2015451291410
7qt748v1Search for singly produced vectorlike top partners in multilepton final states with 139 fb-1 of pp collision data at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector45162261
3db1280sSearch for Heavy Neutral Leptons in Decays of W Bosons Using a Dilepton Displaced Vertex in s=13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector441711115
4p64q9kkThe effect of responsiveness to speech-generating device input on spoken language in children with autism spectrum disorder who are minimally verbal†.44139139

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.