New German Review: A Journal of Germanic Studies

Parent: Department of Germanic Languages

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3h54k0zgDas Leben als Krankheit: Kafkas Ein Landarzt1891474277.8%
0cf1s57jThe Eternal Return as Sexual Affirmation18761813.2%
38h3c5hsTransitions of a Myth? The Idea of a Language-Defined <em>Kulturnation</em> in Germany1531173676.5%
1fg6076bVergangenheitsbewältigung: Historikerstreit and the Notion of Continued Responsibility1343410025.4%
3x1430hgTransgressing the Intellectual Status Quo: How Transhumanism Seeks to Overcome More than Biological Limitations93692474.2%
0cf7n4vpAbout the Authors902882.2%
36m3j9w0Robert Musil's Literary Ethics: <em>The Man without Qualities</em> Reconsidered78562271.8%
96r8v804Raumerfahrung zwischen Dorf, Sanatorium und Schneelandschaft: Grenzüberschreitungen in Adalbert Stifters <em>Bergkristall</em> und Thomas Manns <em>Der Zauberberg</em>64352954.7%
7j74x7b6The Red and the Black: Race in the DEFA Indianerfilm Osceola60134721.7%
00x1s112Huyssen, Andreas. <em>Miniature Metropolis: Literature in an Age of Photography and Film</em>. Cambridge, MA and London, UK: Harvard UP, 2015.52133925.0%
4w78g868Narrating the Date: Brecht’s <em>Cäsar und sein Legionär</em> and the Calendar Story3863215.8%
1678m2rcOn the Question of ‘Real Modern Art’ in East Germany: Werner Tübke’s <em>Fünf Kontinente</em>32122037.5%
5t92x6jdReview: Vertrauen und Gewalt. Versuch über eine besondere Konstellation der Moderne300300.0%
2wp9k8jzCry Wolf? Encounter Controversy: Christa Wolf's Legacy in Light of the Literature Debate27101737.0%
3xp8f163Review: A Foreign Affair: Billy Wilder's American Films2752218.5%
6225t5wfIntersecting at the Real: Painting, Writing, and Human Community in Adalbert Stifter’s <em>Nachkommenschaften</em> (1864)2772025.9%
08c68335Udohla––Plattform für Karoline von Günderrodes philosophische Gedanken2571828.0%
5jh6n6n4“Die Ewigkeit als Dauererektion”: Synchronic and Diachronic Abjection in Heiner Müller’s <em>Quartett</em>2516964.0%
80x7x4q8Front Matter242228.3%
1wz1x3cqEulenspiegel auf dem Pegasus: Wolfgang Koeppen als Stadtschreiber von Bergen-Enkheim2371630.4%
2mk3967dErnst, Jutta/Florian Freitag (Eds.). <em>Transkulturelle Dynamiken. Aktanten – Prozesse – Theorien.</em> Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015.2332013.0%
3k16g0bxWo der Wille zur Macht fehlt, gibt es Niedergang: An Examination of Descent and Acsent in Friederich Nietzsche und Thomas Mann2341917.4%
9xz3c3x0The "Medusan" Glance: Language and Critique in the Early Writings of Walter Benjamin2371630.4%
0505m06fDie emanzipierte Emanzipationsgegnerin: Caroline Pichlers theoretische Schriften2116576.2%
3vf3j8wzMärchen und Apokalypse1811761.1%
41g2k96wNotes on an Installation: Crater of a Home, Corner of a Mind1831516.7%
5qr6m337Review: German-Jewish Popular Culture before the Holocaust. Kafka's Kitsch1841422.2%
7mn555tz<strong>Book Review:</strong> Stolleis, Michael. <em>Origins of the German Welfare State: Social Policy in Germany to 1945</em>. New York: Springer, 2013.1551033.3%
0zj631kd<strong>Book Review:</strong> Etkind, Alexander, Rory Finnen et al. <em>Remembering Katyn</em>. Cambridge, UK and Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2012.135838.5%
1t83n3r1Gestörter Organismus: Jean Pauls Ästhetik der Abweichung in der Erzählung Dr. Katzenbergers Badereise124833.3%
5fb8431rAbout the Artist: Marcel Bühler101910.0%
0t9151tvGottwald, Herwig and Andreas Freinschlag, Peter Handke, Böhlau: Stuttgart, 2010.95455.6%
6hn7h73hCohen-Pfister, Laurel and Dagmar Wienroeder-Skinner, eds. Victims and Perpetrators: 1933-1945. (Re)Presenting the Past in Post-Unification Culture. Berlin/ New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006.91811.1%
4mw4499r<strong>Book Review:</strong> Heiduschke, Sebastian. <em>East German Cinema: DEFA and Film History</em>. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.83537.5%
8sh45394Cover Art81712.5%
093874r3NGR 25 Contributors72528.6%
3fk9c786Bennett, Benjamin. The Dark Side of Literacy: Literature and Learning How Not to Read. New York: Fordham University Press, 2008.72528.6%
5xx3d375Ulrich Plass, Franz Kafka Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2009.72528.6%
640788rbBernd Hamacher. Offenbarung und Gewalt. Literarische Aspekte kultureller Krisen um 1800. München and Paderborn: Fink, 2010.61516.7%
6fj2x09vReview: German Film after Germany. Toward a Transnational Aesthetic62433.3%
4bk4d80dAbout the Authors41325.0%
5ws0f0g8About the Artist4040.0%
6h9822p9Front Matter4040.0%
9jp291p0Table of Contents41325.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.