Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies

Parent: UC Santa Barbara

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
07x6659zThe Land of the š3sw (Nomads) of yhw3 at Soleb3246725720.7%
1kv090xbGender as Frame of War in Ancient Nubia25712313447.9%
883099sqDancing for Hathor: Nubian Women in Egyptian Cultic Life176809645.5%
53p880tnToponymic Strata in Ancient Nubia until the Common Era13391246.8%
9px8p5b7The Archers of Kerma: Warrior Image and Birth of a State121408133.1%
5q7413vtThe Role of Warfare and Headhunting in Forming Ethnic Identity: Violent Clashes between A-Group and Naqada Peoples in Lower Nubia (mid-4th millennium BCE)118249420.3%
9pc5k45nLooking at Nubians in Egypt: Nubian Women in New Kingdom Tomb and Temple Scenes and the Case of TT 40 (Amenemhet Huy)111268523.4%
5sp7b4r3The Nile Bride Myth "Revisioned" in Nubian Literature10971026.4%
88t8t1b9The Art of Revolution: The Online and Offline Perception of Communication during the Uprisings in Sudan in 2018 and 2019109327729.4%
1xw1r2m6Semantic Change and Heterosemy of Dongolawi "ed"938858.6%
3jn4m59fWords on Warfare from Christian Nubia93207321.5%
3tm6n8vtIslam, Migration, and Nubian Women in Egypt: Muhammad Khalil Qasim's al-Shamandurah & al-Khalah Aycha924884.3%
3021c2jwFrom Nub to Dahab: The Lexical Shift of Fadija Nobiin to Arabic in Egypt83335039.8%
0vj1h8jxAn Unexpected Guest in the Church of Sonqi Tino (Notes on Medieval Nubian Toponymy 4)82127014.6%
3j6627bbArchéozoologie méroïtique et chrétienne en Nubie801791.3%
6f61d1jjThe chaîne opératoire of Bronze Working in Ancient Sudan: An Attempt a Reconstituting the Manufacture of Kushite Weapons773743.9%
93r5g0n2Gammai revisité: Esquisse typologique d'une "frontière" postméroïtique772752.6%
0s0159w0A Short Note on Queen Gaua: A New Last Known Ruler of Dotawo (r. around 1520-6)?75116414.7%
89x8s164Booker T. Washington’s Challenge for Egyptology: African-Centered Research in the Nile Valley69214830.4%
78x3t2ssThe Memories of Byzantium as Preserved in Nubia’s Political Ideology after the 7th Century CE67224532.8%
8j8727qcAn Obituary for George Pagoulatos59174228.8%
6663f1ntRestoring “Nile-Nubian”: How to Balance Lexicostatistics and Etymology in Historical Research on Nubian Languages54124222.2%
9p25w7hpPersonal Markers and Verbal Number in Meroitic49113822.4%
8cb44041Preface by the Editor484448.3%
9zn4h301The Nubian Frontier as a Refuge Area Warrior Society between c. 1200 and c. 1800 CE: A Comparison between Nubia and the Ottoman Balkans48133527.1%
4bk9p2w5Nubian Toponyms in Medieval Nubian Sources46103621.7%
1pz103c0Multilingualism in Christian Nubia: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches45153033.3%
57j1m0f9Aspects of Gender in Dongolawi and Kenzi Wise Sayings and Proverbs421412.4%
5xh4p27kThe "Liber Institutionis Michaelis" in Medieval Nubia4173417.1%
0ts080fgA Historical Comparative Gazetteer for Nubia40103025.0%
696675q6An Ethiopian Fugitive Allied with a Nubian King? Ēwosṭātēwos and Sābʾa Nol at Nobā through Hagiographical Narrative39142535.9%
7xd9s935Ama Verbs in Comparative Perspective3692725.0%
8908w6s5A Note towards Quantifying the Medieval Nubian Diaspora36152141.7%
047951jbTales from Two Villages: Nubian Women and Cultural Tourism in Gharb Soheil and Ballana343318.8%
64h1q75nNubian Verb Extensions and Some Nyima Correspondences33102330.3%
71j29060Old Nubian Texts from Gebel Adda in the Royal Ontario Museum3292328.1%
8cz0t81vAse: A Toponym and/or Personal Name (Notes on Medieval Nubian Toponymy 3)3082226.7%
9bb2w773Morphological Evidence for the Coherence of East Sudanic30131743.3%
0zk422b8Address and Reference Terms in Midob (Darfur Nubian)2982127.6%
6c362734Tabaq: In a State of Flux2962320.7%
55w9d736Attributive Modifiers in Taglennaa (Kordofan Nubian)2842414.3%
5057727dCoordination with "goon" and Bisyndetic "=gon" in Dongolawi and Kenzi Proverbs27111640.7%
3dx6c5tgOld Nubian Relative Clauses2691734.6%
65b974v0'In the Bosoms of Abraham': A Christian Epitaph from Nubia in the Brooklyn Museum26101638.5%
0sj0d7q9The Etymology of the Toponym "Dorginarti" (Notes on Medieval Nubian Toponymy 6)2542116.0%
2120d7kqNoun Phrase Constructions in Nubian Languages: A Comparative Study25101540.0%
5k30d90dSpinning in Meroitic Sudan: Textile Production Implements from Abu Geili2542116.0%
2699d31rRemarks toward a Revised Grammar of Old Nubian2481633.3%
2dz915hfMedieval Presence at the Periphery of the Nubian State of Makuria: Examples from the Wadi Abu Dom and the Jebel al-Ain24101441.7%
3kf38308The Consonant System of Abu Jinuk (Kordofan Nubian)2451920.8%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.