Other Recent Work

Parent: Center for Social Theory and Comparative History

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0sg0782hWhat is Good for Goldman Sachs is Good for America The Origins of the Present Crisis92720372421.9%
30s8h806Los Angeles 1965-1992: Six Geographies of Urban Restructuring1413710426.2%
5214r0ctSchumpeter and Democracy91108111.0%
03k043w8The Market Economy of the US, 1800-186085285732.9%
4n1147f1From National Movement to Nation6395414.3%
7jr93229Edgy Cities, Technoblurbs and Simulcrumbs: Depthless Utopias and Dystopias on the Sub-urban Fringe56114519.6%
8k87v5rrTrading Places: China and the US in the International System370370.0%
11w7b4pgClimate Change and Public Policy After Copenhagen320320.0%
0qw2s3n8A Multilateral Moment: A New US Foreign Policy?2962320.7%
92h6s6rgTHe Market and the Origins of American Economic Development, 1750-185029121741.4%
7gc5j4jgThe Obama Presidency After One Year270270.0%
8zc1z8b2Is the Japanese Economy in Crisis23121152.2%
5sz926t6The Dilemma of Durable Goods2271531.8%
21j3p024American Labor in International Lean Production1841422.2%
2wr6p1kdColonial Social Formations: The Indian Case1761135.3%
3z29t4xwStrategic Factors in the Economic Development of Early Massachusetts1761135.3%
2509q1nfExplaining New York City's Aberrant Economy: Post-Industrial vs Classical Perspectives1613381.3%
2ps0f3cxUneconomic Factors in 19th Century Economic Development147750.0%
2z1185bmCultural Underpinnings of Capitalist Development in the Early National Period1321115.4%
5x3285q8Environmental Planning and Policy in the Los Angeles Region: Openings and Opportunities134930.8%
6dc515t4Is There A Crisis in the World Economy?104640.0%
153778zgA National Compensation for Backwardness95455.6%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.