Center for Studies in Higher Education

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
80k5d5hwUndergraduate and Graduate Students’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic95418576919.4%
6sp9787jThe Student Debt Dilemma: Debt Aversion as a Barrier to College Access89820369522.6%
7306z0zfValidity Of High-School Grades In Predicting Student Success Beyond The Freshman Year: High-School Record vs. Standardized Tests as Indicators of Four-Year College Outcomes73358814580.2%
1b96n0xvSeparation Processes, Second Edition63315148223.9%
3pt9m168Is the University of California Drifting Toward Conformism? The Challenges of Representation and the Climate for Academic Freedom5129841419.1%
15x7385gAssessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication: An Exploration of Faculty Values and Needs in Seven Disciplines48911237722.9%
2bh4k013What Do We Know About Students' Learning and How Do We Know It?4295337612.4%
0qw462x1THE GLOBAL COMPETITION FOR TALENT The Rapidly Changing Market for International Students and the Need for a Strategic Approach in the US2936722622.9%
44m4p8r4HIGHER EDUCATION BUDGETS AND THE GLOBAL RECESSION: Tracking Varied National Responses and Their Consequences2923725512.7%
1v45s9brThe Art of Diversity: A Chronicle of Advancing the University of California Faculty through Efforts in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2010–20222772924810.5%
5909q373MAPPING ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT AND COLLECTIVE ACTION: Towards a Model for Advancing Racial Equity in Community College27211915343.8%
53x4j2pcA Thriving Intellectual Community Relies on Diversity2587018827.1%
0h26647zEffective Communication: The 4th Mission of Universities—a 21st Century Challenge2542722710.6%
1xv148c8Peer Review in Academic Promotion and Publishing: Its Meaning, Locus, and Future2452522010.2%
9db970dqThe Cold War, Technology and the American University2362720911.4%
4s88j3t6Response to the Commentators2325617624.1%
7rt3j1pqDEI Statements Reclassify Ideas Arbitrarily 2253918617.3%
1fr5p2ctCreating a Great Public University: The History and Influence of Shared Governance at the University of California by John Aubrey Douglass, CSHE 4. 2023 (October 2023)2102818213.3%
7p0114s8The Private Side of Public Universities: Third-party providers and platform capitalism2055315225.9%
2td1m68jTable of Contents: The History of Women at UC Berkeley: Collected Studies Initiated in Honor of the 150th Anniversary of Women's Admission to the University1902216811.6%
8c43w24hUse and Users of Digital Resources: A Focus on Undergraduate Education in the Humanities and Social Sciences1891474277.8%
1kb1b4cqDIVERSITY IN UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS: Affirmative Action, Percent Plans, and Holistic Review1802815215.6%
1rf4p547Undergraduates’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disparities by Race and Ethnicity179141657.8%
56d324gmA Case for For-Profit Private Higher Education in India1582513315.8%
08x00432The Attractiveness of European Higher Education Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Faculty Remuneration and Career Paths156609638.5%
95g888hcOn "Putting Lipstick on A Pig": Beware "Moderate" Critiques of DEI Statements Dressed as Concern for Academic Freedom1565110532.7%
38x683z5Accountability in Higher Education: A Public Agenda for Trust and Cultural Change152629040.8%
68p432p0The Poor and the Rich: A Look at Economic Stratification and Academic Performance Among Undergraduate Students in the United States1512712417.9%
3ft1g8rzThe Role of Advanced Placement and Honors Courses in College Admissions1422811419.7%
9gs5v3pvTHE GROWING CORRELATION BETWEEN RACE AND SAT SCORES: New Findings from California1423610625.4%
6rj182v7The University of California: Creating, Nurturing, and Maintaining Academic Quality in a Public University Setting1414110029.1%
5nz5695tAffirmative Action in Higher Education in India and the US: A Study in Contrasts139528737.4%
5624p4d7The Obstacles to Remote Learning for Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Students13501350.0%
19w3p811Disciplinary Variations in Graduate Student Experiences: A Study of Osaka University 1341611811.9%
1r0625vtEarning My Degree: Memoirs of an American University President1301411610.8%
8vx8p3nvRole of University International Partnerships for Research & Education: Leaders’ Critical Insights & Recommendations12351184.1%
6zb9602zUS Universities Face A Red Tide and A Precipice: A Neo-Nationalism and University Brief 115199616.5%
8d46b49sObstacles That May Result in Delayed Degrees for Graduate and Professional Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic11581077.0%
8wv3d1ccGraduate and Professional Students’ Financial Hardships During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the gradSERU COVID-19 Survey11231092.7%
82k7j35hThe Early Prytaneans11051054.5%
4gn6b778Approaching a Tipping Point? A History and Prospectus of Funding for the University of California 109159413.8%
9vb7h8xcREFORM AND REACTION: The Politics of Modern Higher Education Policy109238621.1%
10h1x721150 Years of Women in Mechanical Engineering107307728.0%
6j6621phDO I BELONG HERE? Exploring Immigrant College Student Responses on the SERU Survey Sense of Belonging/Satisfaction Factor106357133.0%
78280303Strategies for E-Learning in Universities1049958.7%
19d5c0htFirst-Generation Students’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic10201020.0%
1jr9j701Public University Systems and the Benefits of Scale101178416.8%
2w21n06wAffirmative Action, Mismatch, and Economic Mobility After California’s Proposition 209100534753.0%
5c10883gThe Transformation of Academic Work: Facts and Analysis100138713.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.