California Sea Grant College Program

Parent: UC San Diego

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9gr5784dForaging Ecology of the California Sea Lion: Diet, Diving Behavior, Foraging Locations, and Predation Impacts on Fisheries Resources1261311310.3%
2kr7839kReadying California Fisheries for Climate Change97128512.4%
0630k85fManaging Flow Regimes and Landscapes Together: Hydrospatial Analysis for Evaluating Spatiotemporal Floodplain Inundation Patterns with Restoration and Climate Change Implications94217322.3%
9r48b0mkLocal Seafood Availability in San Diego, California Seafood Markets8497510.7%
6s73x17wLiving Shorelines & Resilience in Southern California: A Summary of a Series of Workshops held as part of The Resilient Coastlines Project of Greater San Diego76383850.0%
7gg3p9qnCollaborative fisheries research to build socioeconomic essential fishery information: A test case74116314.9%
8k74w8x9Reproductive Biology and Evolution of Epinephelid and Serranid Fishes (Perciformes, Epinephelidae, Serranidae)68175125.0%
01r8j80dUnraveling Sources of Food Web Support in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta’s Marsh Ecosystem67175025.4%
2n28w1ccSharing the Coast: Opportunities and strategies for accelerating coastal resilience in the San Diego-Baja California Region65214432.3%
9q95w7ndIntegrating collaborative data collection with management: A lobster fishery test case656599.2%
8x03s58wSea Slugs as Brilliant Indicators of Climate Change in Central California63115217.5%
1946b7nmRegional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in North America: Canada and the United States of America — 201062105216.1%
0764s0mrDiets and Stable Isotope Signatures of Yellowtail Rockfish (Sebastes flavidus) in Central California59104916.9%
9bs3198mCan the United States have its fish and eat it too?58154325.9%
3908d6cvMovement patterns, habitat preferences, and fisheries biology of the common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus) in the Southern California Bight5674912.5%
0gn2r3xxLong-term Faunal Changes in California Nudibranchs: Climate Change and Local Ocean Health54163829.6%
020740qqExpectations and adaptation to environmental risks53233043.4%
5t94c30sLife History, Abundance, and Distribution of the Spotted Ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei525479.6%
028959vrSome Aspects of Material Dynamics and Energy Flow in a Kelp Forest in Monterey Bay, California4984116.3%
3693j23xThe Physiological Ecology of Bat Rays, Myliobatis californica, in Tomales Bay, California4954410.2%
16c6578nInternational Caulerpa taxifolia Conference Proceedings4764112.8%
4sx8s02vQuagga and Zebra Mussel Eradication and Control Tactics4783917.0%
1x52w7kpOcean Acidification Impacts on Shellfish Workshop: Findings and Recommendations4654110.9%
3vc060x3Morphology, Function, and Evolution of the Gills of High-Performance Fishes46291763.0%
6000h2dcProceedings of the Symposium: Current Perspectives on the Physical and Biological Processes of Humboldt Bay, March 20044473715.9%
2vr5s0t3Measuring At Sea Feeding to Understand the Foraging Behavior of Pinnipeds42103223.8%
6n43g6chEvaluating Ocean Management Systems to Facilitate the Development of Ecosystem-Based Management422404.8%
7173z5d2Figuring Out the Human Dimensions of Fisheries: Illuminating Models400400.0%
0565c0b2Heterogeneous Preferences for Water Quality: A Finite Mixture Model of Beach Recreation in Southern California3953412.8%
2bp5k2dpSardine Disease: Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia390390.0%
2j03x6n2Toxoplasma gondii Oocysts in Water39291074.4%
6g377407Managing Data-Poor Fisheries Workshop: Case Studies, Models and Solutions3973217.9%
6t96k2rnSeasonal fish and invertebrate communities in three northern California estuaries392375.1%
7507v28bThe Coastal Boundary Layer: Pattern, Mechanism, and Ecological Effects of Decreased Alongshore Transport3953412.8%
8rm77629Unheeded Warnings: A History of Monterey's Sardine Fishery392375.1%
8k58c208Husbandry and Dietary Effects on Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) Farmed for Caviar38102826.3%
243633jkCalifornia’s North Coast Fishing Communities Historical Perspective and Recent Trends37152240.5%
7v2462g5Benevolent Monopoly: The Legal Transformation of Agricultural Cooperation, 1890–1943371362.7%
39q8w7ghThe Physiological Response of Larval Marine Snails to Environmental Stressors3643211.1%
9r0794hwStructure-Function Relationships in Biomineralized Composites: Analysis of the Architectural Complexities of Sponge Skeletal Systems36201655.6%
00p6b2wkPost-invasion Genetic Structure of European Green Crab Populations on the US West Coast and Its Implications for Their Control340340.0%
7kz4000tAngler exposure to domoic acid via consumption of contaminated fishes340340.0%
9kc8w84zThe role of siderophores in algal-bacterial interactions in the marine environment34151944.1%
6qw3k2rbJuvenile survival and adult return as a function of freshwater rearing life history for Coho Salmon in the Klamath River Basin3342912.1%
0jj5c19hThe San Diego–La Jolla Ecological Reserve: Implications for the Design and Management of Marine Reserves3262618.8%
3rr806vnThe response of a predatory fish, Opiodon elongatus, to a marine protected area: variation in diet, catch rates, and size composition322306.3%
4rt5t49tCurrent Perspectives on the Physical and Biological Processes of Humboldt Bay322306.3%
4kh5w74hChinook Salmon Spawning Behavior: Evidence for Size-Dependent Male Spawning Success and Female Mate Choice311303.2%
5992m6rtCalifornia’s Experience with Dunes and Coastal Resilience: A Synthesis Report of the 2021 Coastal Dunes for Resilience Workshop3142712.9%
63k6d3jdControlling Marine Invasive Species: The case of the Indo-Pacific Lionfish Invasion in the Southeast U.S. and Caribbean310310.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.