CSD Working Papers

Parent: Center for the Study of Democracy

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
2j74b860Popular Conceptions of the Meaning of Democracy: Democratic Understanding in Unlikely Places676132148238158
2wb616g6Congruence Theory Explained660154128183195
2zn1t7bjCollective Identity and Expressive Forms646156143184163
18b448r6The Tyranny of the Super-Majority: How Majority Rule Protects Minorities450101117112120
13n5q9qxUnequal Participation: Democracy's Unresolved Dilemma373768912583
5gm0f2jfWhy has the LDP Stayed in Power so Long in Post-War Japan?:Democratic System Support and Electoral Behavior350537877142
3f72v9q4Critiques and Counter-Critiques of the Postmaterialism Thesis: Thirty-four Years of Debate30779589179
7bv4b2w1Can the Whole World Become Democratic? Democracy, Development, and International Policies28575628761
2m62b74dSocial Movements and Public Policy: Eggs, Chicken, and Theory26862676871
3q6437f6Ashamed Not to Vote for an African-American; Ashamed to Vote for a Woman: An Analysis of the Bradley Effect from 1982-2006242262059137
3tj7c4bbDemocracy as Human Empowerment: The Role of Ordinary People in the Emergence and Survival of Democracy20060573350
8281d6wtPolitical Support in Advanced Industrial Democracie20055443269
8t94h85vConsensus Without Veto-Players: Testing Theories of Consensual Democracy19641704243
2n49r2s3Coming and Going: On the State Monopolization of the Legitimate Means of Movement18536593357
4mm1285jThe Civic Culture: Prehistory, Retrospect, and Prospect16839414246
3545w14vInequality in Political Participation: Contemporary Patterns in European Countries16433344552
4c51z9mtVoter Satisfaction and Electoral Systems: Does Preferential Voting in Candidate-Centered Systems Make A Difference16336275149
3vs886v9Democracy Beyond Parties16053163655
3jx2b911The Resource, Structural, and Cultural Bases of Protest15929393259
7fw4g5twGrowth in Women's Political Representation: A Longitudinal Exploration of Democracy, Electoral System, and Gender Quotas15923297037
1nd4n3j9Explanatory Factors for the Merger of Political Parties15739573229
8mf8f3ktEconomic and Political Reform in China and the Former Soviet Union13147351930
3nb7x3qsUnderstanding Democratic Congruence: A Demand-Supply Perspective12129322436
1t68c47vPresident Park Geun-hye and the Deconsolidation of Liberal Democracy in South Korea: Exploring its Cultural Roots President Park Geun-hye and the Deconsolidation of Liberal Democracy in South Korea: Exploring its Cultural Roots12028264323
9j40k1m0Political Parties, Minorities and Elected Office: Comparing Opportunities for Inclusion in the U.S. and Britain11631202045
7gz6t2bbPartisan Mobilization, Cognitive Mobilization and the Changing American Electorate10923123242
72n0w235State Sponsorship or State Failure? Mass Killings in Rural China, 1967-6810625302427
3qq4v57pFoundations of Latino Party Identification: Learning, Ethnicity and Demographic Factors Among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Anglos in the United States10014323321
60q2s39pWomen's Representation in Parliament: The Role of Political Parties9617162142
9pn25985Democracy and its Citizens: Patterns of Political Change8825282015
1q34f69cGeographical Representation Under Proportional Representation: The Cases of Israel and the Netherlands8525261717
1318d3rxUnrest in Rural China: A 2003 Assessment8422211625
9tg922hvDemocracy Transformed?: Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies8319282016
05n9f4bnWhich Candidate Selection Method Is More Democratic?8214173912
0qk46102The Changing Nature of Mass Belief Systems: The Rise of Concept Ideologues & Policy Wonks8118211725
7ks7h74nPolitical Support: Social Capital, Civil Society, and Political and Economic Performance7921201523
16s1c0mtInstitutional Design in Plural Societies: Mitigating Ethnic Conflict and Fostering Stable Democracy7820231322
4974t33nEmpowering Women: The Role of Economic Development, Political Culture and Institutional Design in the World’s Societies7618192019
6q8631rvProtest and Political Incorporation: Vietnamese American Protests, 1975-2001732517922
2r89j762Electoral Choice in Multidimensional Party Systems7213192317
89k3z6q2Assessing Citizen Responses to Democracy: A Review and Synthesis of Recent Public Opinion Research6711171920
94q9j49b"Global Cities" and "Globalization" in East Asia: Empirical Realities and Conceptual Questions661592022
538243k2Internet Use and Political Engagement: The Role of E-Campaigning as a Pathway to Online Political Participation652814815
4s0786k3Arend Lijphart and the 'New Institutionalism'6319201410
6c9087q7Lessons for the "Third Wave" from the First: An Essay on Democratization6015141813
8r7500zqPartisan Dealignment and the Personalization of Politics in West European Parliamentary Democracies, 1961-2016601371921
3d9477vmDoes Collective Identity Matter? : African-American Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation571815618
0sd3x8n0Styles of Political Representation: What do Voters Expect?562051219
6pk7p5zzLessons of Global Neo-liberalism? The East Asian Economic Crisis Reconsidered5112131214

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