Center for the Study of Democracy

Parent: UC Irvine

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3q6437f6Ashamed Not to Vote for an African-American; Ashamed to Vote for a Woman: An Analysis of the Bradley Effect from 1982-200681563518077.9%
2j74b860Popular Conceptions of the Meaning of Democracy: Democratic Understanding in Unlikely Places67845322566.8%
2wb616g6Congruence Theory Explained67744822966.2%
2zn1t7bjCollective Identity and Expressive Forms64035728355.8%
18b448r6The Tyranny of the Super-Majority: How Majority Rule Protects Minorities447344137.6%
5gm0f2jfWhy has the LDP Stayed in Power so Long in Post-War Japan?:Democratic System Support and Electoral Behavior385363499.4%
13n5q9qxUnequal Participation: Democracy's Unresolved Dilemma3497527421.5%
7bv4b2w1Can the Whole World Become Democratic? Democracy, Development, and International Policies2679117634.1%
3f72v9q4Critiques and Counter-Critiques of the Postmaterialism Thesis: Thirty-four Years of Debate26311215142.6%
2m62b74dSocial Movements and Public Policy: Eggs, Chicken, and Theory2545819622.8%
2n49r2s3Coming and Going: On the State Monopolization of the Legitimate Means of Movement2124616621.7%
8t94h85vConsensus Without Veto-Players: Testing Theories of Consensual Democracy196101865.1%
8281d6wtPolitical Support in Advanced Industrial Democracie1953815719.5%
3tj7c4bbDemocracy as Human Empowerment: The Role of Ordinary People in the Emergence and Survival of Democracy17181634.7%
4mm1285jThe Civic Culture: Prehistory, Retrospect, and Prospect1691195070.4%
7fw4g5twGrowth in Women's Political Representation: A Longitudinal Exploration of Democracy, Electoral System, and Gender Quotas1603912124.4%
3jx2b911The Resource, Structural, and Cultural Bases of Protest1594111825.8%
3545w14vInequality in Political Participation: Contemporary Patterns in European Countries1524310928.3%
4c51z9mtVoter Satisfaction and Electoral Systems: Does Preferential Voting in Candidate-Centered Systems Make A Difference1452312215.9%
1nd4n3j9Explanatory Factors for the Merger of Political Parties14181335.7%
3vs886v9Democracy Beyond Parties1371911813.9%
3nb7x3qsUnderstanding Democratic Congruence: A Demand-Supply Perspective114101048.8%
1t68c47vPresident Park Geun-hye and the Deconsolidation of Liberal Democracy in South Korea: Exploring its Cultural Roots President Park Geun-hye and the Deconsolidation of Liberal Democracy in South Korea: Exploring its Cultural Roots107139412.1%
8mf8f3ktEconomic and Political Reform in China and the Former Soviet Union107634458.9%
72n0w235State Sponsorship or State Failure? Mass Killings in Rural China, 1967-681029938.8%
9j40k1m0Political Parties, Minorities and Elected Office: Comparing Opportunities for Inclusion in the U.S. and Britain100257525.0%
60q2s39pWomen's Representation in Parliament: The Role of Political Parties98217721.4%
7gz6t2bbPartisan Mobilization, Cognitive Mobilization and the Changing American Electorate98593960.2%
3qq4v57pFoundations of Latino Party Identification: Learning, Ethnicity and Demographic Factors Among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Anglos in the United States97247324.7%
1318d3rxUnrest in Rural China: A 2003 Assessment85236227.1%
9tg922hvDemocracy Transformed?: Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies78255332.1%
1q34f69cGeographical Representation Under Proportional Representation: The Cases of Israel and the Netherlands76255132.9%
7ks7h74nPolitical Support: Social Capital, Civil Society, and Political and Economic Performance76344244.7%
05n9f4bnWhich Candidate Selection Method Is More Democratic?75165921.3%
89k3z6q2Assessing Citizen Responses to Democracy: A Review and Synthesis of Recent Public Opinion Research75205526.7%
9pn25985Democracy and its Citizens: Patterns of Political Change74254933.8%
0qk46102The Changing Nature of Mass Belief Systems: The Rise of Concept Ideologues & Policy Wonks7286411.1%
16s1c0mtInstitutional Design in Plural Societies: Mitigating Ethnic Conflict and Fostering Stable Democracy68274139.7%
8r7500zqPartisan Dealignment and the Personalization of Politics in West European Parliamentary Democracies, 1961-201668115716.2%
2r89j762Electoral Choice in Multidimensional Party Systems6695713.6%
3d9477vmDoes Collective Identity Matter? : African-American Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation62134921.0%
6q8631rvProtest and Political Incorporation: Vietnamese American Protests, 1975-200162204232.3%
4974t33nEmpowering Women: The Role of Economic Development, Political Culture and Institutional Design in the World’s Societies61392263.9%
94q9j49b"Global Cities" and "Globalization" in East Asia: Empirical Realities and Conceptual Questions60283246.7%
7t30r2gcHow Proportional are Mixed Compensatory Electoral Systems? Determining the Necessary Share of Compensation Mandates in Mixed Systems54114320.4%
4s0786k3Arend Lijphart and the 'New Institutionalism'53163730.2%
20c7w3m4Western Theories versus East Asian Realities:Political System Preferences among East Asians5194217.6%
6c9087q7Lessons for the "Third Wave" from the First: An Essay on Democratization5064412.0%
8r6956r4Measuring the Presidential Risk Factor: A Comment on Cheibub’s Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy5094118.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.