Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations

Parent: UC Irvine

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
39s5f10cMarket Potential Analysis: A Methodology of Estimating the Market Potential for Computers and Other Information Technologies672204137140191
6cs4s5f0Survey Research Methodology in Management Information Systems: An Assessment35889839888
0nj460xnStrategic Use of Information Technology - Google319119894170
7r55529zDell Computer: Using E-commerce To Support the Virtual Company25359465395
7x26b75sCreating a Computer Industry Giant: China's Industrial Policies and Outcomes in the 1990s22561653069
6wq2f4hxGlobalization of the Personal Computer Industry: Trends and Implications19550515044
9j8146rqAcer: An I.T. Company Learning to Use Information Technology to Compete17935315360
76s142fcSchool Technology Leadership: Incidence and Impact17741474049
568076v8Compaq Computer: Information Technology in a Company in Transition16557215928
8xz9r879Sun Microsystems: Integrating its Own Enterprise15725355245
6t16p6pfSmart Home Concepts: Current Trends13532313933
1k3982mpGlobalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Singapore12416355716
2x73003zEnvironment and Policy Factors Shaping E-commerce Diffusion: A Cross-Country Comparison12335192643
71x0h7hbPolice Use of Computers12239402221
7kc4d3p1Strategic Intent for IT Outsourcing12228222745
67p057vvCompeting in Book Retailing: The Case of Amazon.com11120243136
4gs825bgThe Productivity Paradox: Is it Resolved? Is there a New One? What Does It All Mean for Managers?11023292731
6gw3d0rsA Cross-Country Study of Electronic Business Adoption Using the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework11024312233
36z642kjA Survey of Database Marketing10238162424
1tx1b7x7Impacts of Economic Integration on the Computer Sector in Mexico and the United States9927202032
6ck5b2h8Electronic Business Adoption by European Firms: A Cross-country Assessment of the Facilitators and Inhibitors9930332016
76n7d23rCustomer Relationship Management9833222320
9r88t4f2Methods of Training in the Workplace945023714
2kg461gnDiffusion and Impacts of the Internet and E-Commerce in Japan9229181827
2rd511dbInformation Technology and Administrative Reform: Will the Time After E-Government Be Different?9229131931
62n7x74xFrom Industry Protection to Industry Promotion: IT Policy in Brazil9241211515
3386n31pInformation Technology and Productivity: Evidence from Country-Level Data9124162625
7p13f3gdE-Commerce in Singapore: Impetus and Impact of Globalization9119253116
23z732vvStructuring for E-commerce Success: Integrating Preliminary Cases with Theory8932201522
2t03k647The Retail Model in the Computer Industry: eMachines8524193111
2p02g8tbMarket Making in the PC Industry773420149
367812fdInformation Technology and Productivity: Results and Policy Implications of Cross-Country Studies7716152026
9193h7v4Executives' Perceptions of the Business Value of Information Technology: A Process-Oriented Approach7516182219
0fp472rcThe Impact of Information Technology on Middle Managers7416191821
89x7p4wsDell Computer: Organization of a Global Production Network7420191421
2w71v0qtGlobalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Mexico7015152515
7ws3n2jwMigration to Open-Standard Interorganizational Systems: Network Effects, Switching Costs and Path Dependency693016167
4sq9672pApple Computer: The iCEO Seizes the Internet682814197
8906d9xbGlobalization of E-Commerce: Environment and Policy in Germany672318818
4pv3z4z2Globalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Denmark6522171412
1c31s58gModels, Facts, and the Policy Process: The Political Ecology of Estimated Truth6414211019
5tz202t5Successful Implementation and Use of Enterprise Software: Compaq Computer Corporation6424111514
8v18x88dUsing IT to Support the Business Integration Client-Service Model: Andersen Consulting61366118
91t899vcGlobalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Taiwan591562216
2pn6n6h5Secondary Teachers of Mixed Academic Subjects: "Out-of-Field" Problem or Constructivist Innovators5817171212
3qh069xtMobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment: Current Insights and Future Research Avenues58672520
16v0j5pnKorean Technology Policy at a Crossroads: The Case of Computers531891412
5rf7x7q5Information Infrastructure, National Policy, and Global Competitiveness531012724
2t36d99nPedagogical Motivations for Student Computer Use That Lead to Student Engagement521791511
1rw8t9vrGlobalization of E-commerce: Environment and Policy of Taiwan5118121011

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.