Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Parent: Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0c04p0xqA Disputacioun Betwyx þe Body and Wormes: A Translation6657359211.0%
39g6c6rmThe Issue of Feminine Monstrosity: A Reevaluation of Grendel's Mother41423218256.0%
1v6296zvIn Praise of Bald Men: A Translation of Hucbald's Ecloga de Calvis35117417749.6%
3859m82cThe Silver Shields of Pope Leo III: A Reassessment of the Evidence291142774.8%
0742b3xrThe Peasant's Revolt of 1381 and the Written Word2243119313.8%
3hm5w1q2The Wife's Lament: A Poem of the Living Dead1694412526.0%
4016k4z6Usuard's Journey to Spain and Its Influence on the Dissemination of the Cult of the Cordovan Martyrs1663213419.3%
74w5g8vmRepresenting the Perfect Prince: Pontormo's Alessandro de' Medici1602713316.9%
4vv4t99bThe Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos (review)1424010228.2%
1bh919c5"Here I am ... Yet Cannot Hold this Visible Shape": the Music of Gender in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night135548140.0%
5jt8f7ddOld English Literature and the Work of Giants1352511018.5%
9qg8356dAlienation and the Otherworld in Lanval, Yonec, and Guigemar135508537.0%
84d8m59gSir Gawain and the Green Knight: An Annotated Bibliography, 1950-1972131101217.6%
2rr294crSir Gawain and the Green Knight as a Christmas Poem127458235.4%
1hs0m3z4The Aesthetics of Chaosmos: The Middle Ages of James Joyce (review)11581077.0%
444372b4Shakespeare and the Jews (review)11451094.4%
1qc6d248The Council in Trullo (691-692): A Study of the Canons Relating to Paganism, Heresy, and the Invasions112209217.9%
5g13339gInterpretive Models of Guido of Arezzo's Micrologus112149812.5%
6jj6m5rvAll Roads Lead to Rus: Western Influences on the Eleventh-to Twelfth-Century Manuscript Illumination of Kievan Rus112111019.8%
7t99h9pmThe Power, the Body, the Holy: A Journey Through Late Antiquity with Peter Brown10610969.4%
5kh424fcRicheut: A Translation999909.1%
2219z32qThe Gamnesof Sir Gawain and the Green Knight96168016.7%
78t8w06sPersonae, Same-Sex Desire, and Salvation in the Poetry of Marbod of Rennes, Baudri of Bourgueil, and Hildebert of Lavardin96227422.9%
32t6t59wSanta Sophia in Nicosia: the Sculpture of the Western Portals and Its Reception945895.3%
4vv0c326Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination of the Idea of the Marriage Group925875.4%
1nq814czExcommunication in the Middle Ages (review)912892.2%
6pg7f1jzThe Shifting Landscape of Hell91137814.3%
1vt790k0Humanism and the Scientific Revolution: Bacon's Rejection of Aristotle90127813.3%
0dk3d5fpTo Luf Hom Wel, and Leve Hem Not: The Neglected Humor of Gawain's 'Antifeminism'8998010.1%
2447b12bCynewulf the Poet, Alfred the King, and the Nature of Anglo-Saxon Duty896836.7%
9pv651nqFragmentation and Reconstruction: Images of the Female Body in Ancrene Wisse and the Katherine Group89157416.9%
72s8m3qcWitchcraft in Europe 400-1700: A Documentary History 2nd ed. (review)87147316.1%
0mg1q8j1The Origins of Medieval Jurisprudence: Pavia and Bologna 850-1150 (review)868789.3%
27f3v27xPrudery in Old English Fiction865815.8%
283701r0A Matter of Authority: James I and the Tobacco War85345140.0%
5rg8q2wwSyntactic Analysis of Beowulf's Fight with Grendel85345140.0%
4d44q4rv"Mit grôzen listen wart gestalt": The Element of List in Thirteenth-Century Courtly Romances, with Emphasis on Heinrich Von Dem Türlin's Diu Crône848769.5%
0pm8p81hWriting and Rebellion: England in 1381838759.6%
52d7t0xtThe Unholy Grail: A Social Reading of Chrétien de Troyes's Conte du Graal (review)837768.4%
5jm667s9Peasant Society in the Late Byzantine Empire: A Social and Demographic Study (review)835786.0%
7fr8v76xTrade, Trust, and Networks: Commercial Culture in Late Medieval Italy (review)837768.4%
23d8b0tbRoman de la Rose: Nature's Grace826767.3%
5d14x9tpDeath in the Community: Memorialization and Confraternities in an Italian Commune in the Late Middle Ages (review)814774.9%
5h51x0jqThe Poor in the Middle Ages: An Essay in Social History (review)812792.5%
5cf3700tLa Herencia Medieval de Mexico (review)803773.8%
40f4t2wvSpenser's Prothalamion and the Catullan Epithalamic Tradition78146417.9%
7x97t8q8Chaucer and the Craft of Fiction (review)782762.6%
32z655v9"Even to the Gates of Rome": Grotesque Bodies and Fragmented Stories in Coriolanus7796811.7%
1994m2zkThe Origins of the Medieval Liturgical Drama: A Critical Guide76205626.3%
3g43k0zxBusiness Adolescence: The Education of Antonio Brignole, Foreign-Resident, Commercial Agent (1554-1573)747679.5%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.