The Civil Rights Project / Proyecto Derechos Civiles

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
58p2c3wpWhy Students Drop Out of School and What Can Be Done2,427449837938203
4xr8z4wbWhy Segregation Matters: Poverty and Educational Inequality1,108272319331186
7hm2456zLost Opportunities: How Disparate School Discipline Continues to Drive Differences in the Opportunity to Learn862128180329225
2t36g571Are We Closing the School Discipline Gap?49477120194103
8fh0s5dvSuspended Education: Urban Middle Schools in Crisis42310911314061
3g36n0c3Opportunities Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School4179410812293
4q41361gDiscipline Policies, Successful Schools, and Racial Justice412699115696
23j1b9nvHarming Our Common Future: America's Segregated Schools 65 Years aFter <em>Brown</em>383939612272
8pd0s08zOut of School and Off Track: The Overuse of Suspensions in American Middle and High Schools330781049157
9rw655w8Disturbing Inequities: Exploring the Relationship Between Racial Disparities in Special Education Identification and Discipline28549778673
5qc7w8qpMoving to Equity: Addressing Inequitable Effects of Transportation Policies on Minorities24861788128
5ds6k0rdBrown at 62: School Segregation by Race, Poverty and State239551014439
7t494794Bilingual Education and America's Future: Evidence and Pathways23553666353
2rq7q7hhThe Impact of a Broken Immigration System on U.S. Students and Schools231511045818
5cx4b8pfNew York State’s Extreme School Segregation: Inequality, Inaction and a Damaged Future23051646550
5fx616qnNYC School Segregation Report Card: Still Last, Action Needed Now!23044716550
4x44w1qhLosing Our Future: How Minority Youth are Being Left Behind by the Graduation Rate Crisis21329508252
4wb5c6d3The Role of Standardized Tests in College Admissions21152984021
4r07q8kgChoice Without Equity: Charter School Segregation and the Need for Civil Rights Standards20460615231
7519d9shRacial Transformation and the Changing Nature of Segregation18843417430
6kw7w8s8Dignity, Disparity and Desistance: Effective Restorative Justice Strategies to Plug the "School-to-Prison Pipeline"17936337238
5cx838jxSchools More Separate: Consequences of a Decade of Resegregation17846514437
4jp1z62nBlack Segregation Matters: School Resegregation and Black Educational Opportunity17648593831
3047w6xqU.S. Immigration Enforcement Policy and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning in the Nation's Schools15228376225
6c95c6bxTeachers of English Language Learners in Secondary Schools: Gaps in Preparation and Support15026405232
6d01084dResegregation in American Schools14449403817
4db9154tTracking Achievement Gaps and Assessing the Impact of NCLB on the Gaps13433434018
1x66c4n2Is California Doing Enough to Close the School Discipline Gap?13323225533
7td9r8gqLost Instruction Time in California Schools: The Disparate Harm from Post-Pandemic Punitive Suspensions13189101913
6213b2n5Private Schools in American Education: A Small Sector Still Lagging in Diversity (working paper)12735443117
8mv1z75kReconsidering the Alternatives: The Relationship between Suspension, Disciplinary Alternative School Placement, Subsequent Juvenile Detention, and the Salience of Race12430313231
85w788b9Public School Desegregation in the United States, 1968 - 198012128443316
3vq970qwAlternative Paths to Diversity: Exploring and Implementing Effective College Admissions Policies12027363423
4pw0d5n8Misbehavior, Suspensions, and Security Measures in High School: Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences11436313314
85m2m6sjThe High Cost Of Harsh Discipline And Its Disparate Impact11222293724
4ps2m2rfThe Dropout/Graduation Crisis Among American Indian and Alaska Native Students11138184510
5sz4s7qdThe Unfinished Battle for Integration in a Multiracial America – from <em>Brown</em> to Now10929303317
0zb011ktPrivate School Racial Enrollments and Segregation10820303622
3z4802zqDropping Out of High School: The Role of School Organization and Structure10424183527
6np398tmThe Impact of Affirmative Action Bans in Graduate Education10126213321
0ds627znDropouts in the South: Confronting the Graduation Rate Crisis10026332813
4mw4r5dsPercent Plans in College Admissions: A Comparative Analysis of Three States’ Experiences10033222520
54w986n7Expansion of Federal Power in American Education: Federal-State Relationships Under the No Child Left Behind Act, Year One9929223117
8g58m2v9E Pluribus...Separation: Deepening Double Segregation for More Students9929252817
2mx8c60xWhat Conditions Jeopardize and Support Safety in Urban Schools? The Influence of Community Characteristics, School Composition and School Organizational Practices on Student and Teacher Reports of Safety in Chicago9722173226
4hm2n74bTexas Top Ten Percent Plan: How It Works, What Are Its Limits, and Recommendations to Consider9426302612
5c63w88jSchool Integration in Gentrifying Neighborhoods: Evidence from New York City9218142931
6qk4r5hfGentrification and Schools:&nbsp; Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options8929182913
7m67q3b9A Return to the "Mexican Room": The Segregation of Arizona's English Learners8820311621
65x5j31hCharter Schools, Civil Rights and School Discipline: A Comprehensive Review861944212

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.