Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference

Parent: California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
2nh0h4nbPersistence of Energy Efficiency Behaviors over Time: Evidence from a Community-Based Program13939283834
5g1631vcPersistence of Behavioral Energy Management Activities and Savings in Commercial Office Buildings6117191411
6ww5h5jmBehaviour Change at Work: empowering energy efficiency in the workplace through user-centred design55249814
7ch5r7bjUtility investment vs. consumer loans: Getting to yes on energy efficiency through inclusive financing for all5111131215
62d3456pImpact of Energy Disaggregation on Consumer Behavior37127513
05p2948nTailoring climate change communication to female target groups – an experimental analysis of voting and consumer behavior in Switzerland341041010
1c2117bmSusLabNWE: Integrating qualitative and quantitative data to understand people’s everyday energy behavior3395118
7jg1r8t1Making efficiency visible – Insights on effective nudging across decision styles and choice models3331839
3cc9b30tPeak-Coincident Demand Savings from Behavior-Based Programs: Evidence from PPL Electric's Behavior and Education Program32610511
5pc2v48vCharacterizing Customer Preferences:  How the Doritos® Nachos Method Works for Electricity Service Plans3110858
5qx94338Revealing Occupancy Diversity Factors in Buildings Using Sensor Data308769
1128g46sWhy Doesn't 25 Years of an Evolving Energy Code Make More of a Difference?287957
02d7z8d2Modelling the impact of user behaviour on heat energy consumption278478
1vs503pxPracticing Energy, or Energy Consumption as Social Practice278766
83z390h2Household activities through various lenses: crossing surveys, diaries and electric consumption274689
4z68561xOne of These Homes is Not Like the Other: Residential Energy Consumption Variability2641138
6h22x9btCo-designing with office workers to reduce energy consumption and improve comfort216537
8xx3z6qxRenewable Energy, Infrastructure and GHG Implication of Electrified Transportation: Metro Vancouver Case Study206374
9gh2g6x2Behavior Wedge Profiles for Cities: A New Tool for Identifying Opportunities and Targeting Behavioral Programs204367
5v0513ftWho Should Participate in DR Program? Modeling with Machine Learning and Credit Scoring19469
6s13r74mRapid energy savings in London's households to mitigate an energy crisis192575
7jz9z1zgCommercial Strategic Energy Management: Approaches and Best Practices183447
8rm3h9h5Strategic Energy Management.  Keys to Behavioral and Operational Change.165227
1ks1554jThe role of self-reporting in heating energy efficiency15348
790411z1Residential Behavioral Savings: An Analysis of Principal Electricity End Uses in British Columbia153624
0jv0j8kxA technical framework to describe occupant behavior for building energy simulations14311
2sr794kxA Demonstration of an Energy Feedback Research Platform in a Field Study of Real-Time Social Comparisons135215
53b5k0x2The U.S. on 10-15 kWh/day132236
2ww9116sWhat Are People's Responses to Thermal Discomfort? Sensing Clothing and Activity Levels Using SenseCam114214
51h014h5Changing Industrial Energy Behavior Via Education: Case Study of an Energy Efficiency Refrigeration Certification10226

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.