College of Environmental Design

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
8dd143rjFrom Separate Spheres to Gendered Spaces: The Historiography of Women and Gender in 19th Century and Early 20th Century America4419414012780
2np5t9ctExplaining Residential Density [Research & Debate]32472678996
4g8812kvOn Memory, Trauma, Public Space, Monuments, and Memorials26969637958
8mh913kcFrom Eyes on the Street to Safe Cities [Speaking of Places]23653635565
92j747wnTaj Heritage Corridor: Intersections between History and Culture on the Yamuna Riverfront [Places / Projects]22615169798
9zj9w6x7Reciprocal Reviews22573494657
7b3789rvAfter Postmodernism: Readdressing the Role of Utopia in Urban Design and Planning21743566256
74q0j4j2Fixing Historic Preservation: A Constructive Critique of "Significance" [Research and Debate]20741486355
0s88h5sdLandschaftspark Duisburg Nord - Duisburg, Germany [2005 EDRA/Places Award -- Design]19940415563
46r328ksA Changing Street Life in a Changing Society19049484845
9rt7c05fBeyond the Spatial Turn: Architectural History at the Intersection of the Social Sciences and Built Form18042344856
9xf1z7tmWhite and Black Landscapes in Eighteenth-Century Virginia16035234854
16g3b3gxConflicting Landscape Values: The Santa Clara Pueblo and Day School [Vision, Culture and Landscape]15916186758
3k82388jThe Morality of Urban Public Life: The Emergence and Continuation of a Debate15016275552
4gv825qqGrowing Up in Cities [EDRA / Places Awards, 2001-2002 -- Research]15041284932
608645gjSubconscious Landsapes of the Heart14851133945
3bx697dqVeiled Sustainability: The Screen in the Work of Fumihiko Maki [Speaking of Places]13635343631
3391f9g5The Burra Charter: Australia's Methodology for Conserving Cultural Heritage [Standards]13529343636
5tz397t3The Roman Forum and Roman Memory13538343627
1hg069hnLife, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sustainable Happiness1342156102
16v9d2pdOut of Ashes and Rubble: The Pirelli Tower12226422925
6nc8k21mInfrastructure as Landscape [Infrastructure as Landscape, Landscape as Infrastructure]12224254231
4n6102mfThe design of window shades and fenestration for view clarity11726182449
4mc5h97pThe Popular Yard11553161531
30w9w3qdReview of MacCannell's - The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class11130432018
59z2z5kmArchitectural Design as Research Programs: The Schools at Cranbrook1079656
0m09p7pmSetting Straight the Priorities: A Conservation Report from Kerala [Speaking of Places]10240241622
3f97f56kMississippi Floods - Designing a Shifting Landscape [EDRA / Places Awards, 2001-2002 -- Research]983892526
5g87b3hbDemocracy and Urban Design: The Transect as Civic Renewal [The Transect]9622222131
12x6z4vrLooking at Cities913481831
7jd71866Women and Downtown Open Spaces9115281830
6cq6f7mqHarvest, Delight and Memory: Lessons of Lahore's Shalimar Gardens [Speaking of Places]9021211830
66x458m7Gantry Plaza State Park, Queens, New York [EDRA / Places Awards, 2001-2002 -- Design]8828261618
9dk6240cMexico -- Fond Memories of Place: Luis Barragan and Ricardo Legorreta8725221426
1zt6g0srBuilding Community across the Rural-to-Urban Transect [The Transect]8520361415
2qt9p499A Global Building Occupant Behavior Database8524221524
8bv0117xDevelopment, Topography, and Identity: The Dougherty Valley and the New Suburban Metropolis [Research and Debate]8521211726
02d9z84xOur City: Salonica8417261328
0541t8xjNotes on a Network Profession [Forming Place, Informing Practice]8420191926
5b7238jsUrbanism in Warsaw: Solidarity and Beyond8418231726
1mb3c87rRiver Renaissance and Waterfront Awareness [Forum: AIA Committee on Design]8321211328
4mm0213bThick Buildings [Standards]8321251819
1428z49dThe Berkeley Prize -- The Berkeley Prize: Those Who Make it Work [Forum]8227181621
04p0066qLoss of Cherished Places -- Casualties of Climate Change: Identity and Livelihood in California's Central Valley8121181527
2b42s8mxMulti-Sourcing [Dispatches]8122231323
7p5452rzObservations of Turfan8119202022
74v109c4Light Organizing/Organizing Light [Light in Place]8026201717
6bb2z503Prospect: Expectations and Enthusiasms [Imaginative Intensity]7921211720
1n06f99tRiverfront Redevelopment [Thread]7822221420
6v36b8zkSeeing Beyond the Dominant Culture [Vision, Culture and Landscape]7816152027

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.