The CATESOL Journal

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4mq8c886AI Literacy for Multilingual Learners: Storytelling, Role-playing, and Programming34510324229.9%
6n1681gzAnalyzing the Use of AI Writing Assistants in Generating Texts with Standard American English Conventions: A Case Study of ChatGPT and Bard2146415029.9%
6f51435cChatGPT, Plagiarism, and Multilingual Students’ Learning to Write1915513628.8%
0dq5h39rElementary Computing for All: A Computational Thinking Curriculum for Multilingual Students1544211227.3%
37v7p99hUsing Corpus Linguistics and Language Analysis Tools for ESLVocabulary Instruction: Two Case Studies143489533.6%
10w7n5hmAction Research: Techniques for Collecting Data Through Surveys and Interviews1411132880.1%
37n3s9k6Rhetorical and Motivational Values of Multimodality in Writing: A Case Study Examining L2 Writers' Participation in Multimodal Academic Writing  1403210822.9%
01g3j2mkIntroduction to the Special Theme issue “Innovative, Interactive, and  Intelligent Uses of Technology in Multilingual Classrooms” 116368031.0%
3kk331d1Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy by H. Douglas Brown103238022.3%
2ct2j8mnExamining the Role of the Library in Promoting the Academic Achievement of English Learners92236925.0%
4v8360z9How to Conduct a Critical Discourse Analysis of a Text: A Guide for Teachers907837.8%
2h49c4fdSyllabus Design in Content-Based Instruction84156917.9%
4c87h7rfImplementing Universal Design for Learning in Online Courses to Support Multilingual Students in Higher Education84236127.4%
7rd1q0j3The Effects of Peer and Self-Feedback84156917.9%
8j41334zLongman Academic Reading Series 2: Reading Skills for College - Kim Sanabria84196522.6%
1vg6806gLanguage, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire by Jim Cummins77393850.6%
49m1p6xxAdult ESL Learners’ Attitudes Toward Movement (TPR) and Drama (TPR Storytelling) in the Classroom76185823.7%
9df59928The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching by John I. Liontas (Ed.)73393453.4%
1cc1z2q6Ready to Write 1: A First Composition Text (3rd ed.) - Karen Blanchard and Christine Root69185126.1%
9ws5g0d3Using Google Docs for Collaborative Writing Feedback With International Students69155421.7%
1br1s5snCollege Writing Skills With Readings (9th ed.) - John Langan68274139.7%
5kw4c25vPotential Problems with Peer Responding in ESL Writing Classes67204729.9%
1vg8x6cqIntegrating Mixed-Reality Simulations in TESOL Teacher Preparation Programs: Principles, Strengths, and Weaknesses63184528.6%
4ps9x8hqMaking Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model (3rd ed.) - Jana Echevarría, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah J. Short62224035.5%
1z17r384The Power of Reading: Insights From the Research by Stephen Krashen58292950.0%
3900236fIntersectionality for TESOL Education: Connecting Theory and Justice Pedagogy57263145.6%
7b3609s8Pronunciation—Research Into Practice and Practice Into Research57193833.3%
8fc864mjTransformative Professional Development and the Promotion of Literacy Through Culturally Responsive Pedagogy53124122.6%
9cv7469wHow (Not) to Teach Vocabulary53183534.0%
9t58811cCollege Writing Skills With Readings (10th ed.) by John Langan and Zoe Albright53193435.8%
8sx816jnPassword 1: A Reading and Vocabulary Text - Linda Butler51123923.5%
91c921b9Insights Into Student Listening From Paused Transcription5054510.0%
4cw5g9mpWriting Up Research: Experimental Research Report Writing for Students of English by Robert Weissberg and Suzanne Buker49153430.6%
0g6700t7HyperDocs, GIFs, and Collaboration Boards: Online Writing Instruction Supports for English Learners47113623.4%
2cv1n4hxReading and Vocabulary Focus 3 - Jessica Williams4793819.1%
2vv9x23pTeaching High-Value Pronunciation Features: Contrastive Stress for Intermediate Learners4754210.6%
2053h1sdVocabulary in Language Teaching - Norbert Schmitt46143230.4%
5vd5p526PronPack 1-4: Pronunciation Workouts, Puzzles, Pairworks, Poems - Mark Hancock45103522.2%
6q58m241Pronunciation Fundamentals: Evidence-Based Perspectives for L2 Teaching and Research - Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro45212446.7%
3tn8k4jwKeys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners: A Practical Handbook (2nd ed.) - Keith S. Folse44172738.6%
56b791jbMaking Connections 4: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading - Jessica Williams and Pamela Vittorio44103422.7%
67m515b5How To Be a More Successful Language Learner: Toward Learner Autonomy (2nd ed.) by Joan Rubin and Irene Thompson4493520.5%
01w04712Pathways 2: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking - Becky Tarver Chase and Kristin L. Johannsen43152834.9%
59w7x7jbACTIVE Skills for Reading 3 (3rd ed.) - Neil J. Anderson43172639.5%
8xq704ctThe Positioning of Black ESL Teachers in the United States: Teacher Perspectives434399.3%
1390152bNational Geographic Reading Explorer 3 (1st ed.) - Nancy Douglas42202247.6%
52n9s3d0Impact of Undocumented Immigrants on Adult ESL during COVID-19 and Beyond423397.1%
530798kqTips for Teaching Culture: Practical Approaches to Intercultural Communication - Ann C. Wintergerst and Joe McVeigh42132931.0%
0gg6k9sqReading, Writing, and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners (6th ed.) - Suzanne F. Peregoy and Owen F. Boyle41122929.3%
9f5972rdSecond Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy by James Coady and Thomas Huckin (Eds.)41152636.6%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.