Breslauer Symposium on Natural Resource Issues in Africa

Parent: Center for African Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6nd6w7stHuman-carnivore conflict over livestock: The African wild dog in central Botswana825776.1%
05g6k2bhSpaces of change: Tribal authorities in the former KaNgwane homeland, South Africa6776010.4%
1wf778kkLinking local perceptions of elephants and conservation: Samburu pastoralists in northern Kenya48173135.4%
9492s0k4Common goods and the common good: Transboundary natural resources, principled cooperation, and the Nile Basin Initiative46172937.0%
8mv2s7dsShifting propagation: The political economy of bioprospecting in Madagascar2962320.7%
87b7p783Communities, conservation, and tourism-based development: Can community-based nature tourism live up to its promise?231224.3%
2wx010r6Personal markets and impersonal communities? Prospects for community conservation in Botswana2161528.6%
3mw325brCommunal approaches to natural resource management in Africa: From whence and to where?2141719.0%
70m865sbLinking farmer, forest and watershed: Understanding forestry and soil resource management along the upper Njoro River, Kenya1751229.4%
9278t24rNegotiating reforms at home: Natural resources and the politics of energy access in urban Tanzania1321115.4%
8mc3v0p5Local responses to marine conservation in Zanzibar, Tanzania103730.0%
282575n0A spatial location-allocation GIS framework for managing water resources in a savanna nature reserve72528.6%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.