UC Berkeley PhonLab Annual Report

Parent: Department of Linguistics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
3hr9r9cdWhat is Phonological Typology?45887123119129
4hb059t7How (not) to do Phonological Typology: The Case of Pitch-accent409341162923
7f6332bhThe Production and Perception of a Lesbian Speech Style24357615768
1sr5f98xTone: Is it Different?20851415363
2zn6n546Universals in Phonology20859455054
4w84m8k4A Survey of English Vowel Spaces of Asian American Californians20652525250
2m45t9xjBantu Tone Overview20254624937
3p19w08rJust Put Your Lips Together and Blow? The Whistled Fricatives of Southern Bantu192241261923
5k6795751.5 Generation Korean Americans: Consonant and Vowel Production of Two Late Childhood Arrivals18847583449
2fc6x1phSpeaker Normalization in Speech Perception17943445141
2q6685k5Phonetics and Phonology of Urhobo15941324739
1hs7h769Closure Duration and VOT of Word-initial Voiceless Plosives in English in Spontaneous Connected Speech14827444334
16c753jzVocal Tract Length Normalization14133483327
2384g5v5Variation in Palatal Production in Buenos Aires Spanish12823363039
8kf3z3s9Resonance in an Exemplar-based Lexicon: The Emergence of Social Identity and Phonology12434352332
47p2w2p0How Autosegmental is Phonology?11635332523
8587g0jgPhonetic Bias in Sound Change11626323127
7gq1s5n4Phonetic Accommodation to Non-Native English Speech11021393020
0vp1p7dpFunctional load and frequency predict consonant emergence across five languages10732212925
4fh5b2q7Tone, Syntax, and Prosodic Domains in Luganda10427232628
2hs4v5wtPhonetic vs. Phonological Lengthening in Affricates10115292235
9n00618cArticulatory Variation of the Alveolar Tap and Implications for Sound Change10126182829
9sf875pcPerception of Fricatives by Dutch and English Speakers10133202622
4kp306rxTurbulence & Phonology9920381823
6hc5k2zqAudio-visual Factors in Stop Debuccalization in Consonant Sequences9928232424
0gk0g18dMore on Post-nasal Devoicing: The Case of Shekgalagari9825241633
0p18z2s3Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics, 3rd Edition -- Chapter 59841141429
4nr5n1z0Elicitation as Experimental Phonology: Thlantlang Lai Tonology9419261633
5qr980vkFrequency Effects in Cross-linguistic Stop Place Perception: A Case of /t/-/k/ in Japanese and English9421331624
8tx8h40mThe Phonetic Basis of a Phonological Pattern: Depressor Effects of Prenasalized Consonants9328221330
6dc4v2bmThe Phonetics of Register in Takhian Thong Chong9224252023
4cs2g297The A-map Model: Articulatory Reliability in Child-specific Phonology9122271626
19n0c4m4Correlating Complexity: A Typological Approach8828211623
99s4140bEffects of Native-language on Compensation for Coarticulation8825231525
9dm8c4rpEnglish Listeners' Perception of Polish Alveopalatal and Retroflex Voiceless Sibilants: A Pilot Study8727281319
97d2q41zWord prosody II: Tone systems8522271719
9601x7vtLow-frequency Fourier Analysis of Speech Rhythm8425211622
9dv1v7fmOn the Analysis of Tone in Mee (Ekari, Ekagi, Kapauku)8423211426
0j86c7stUnderstanding Variability in Speech: A Brief Survey Over 2.5 Millennia8318151733
6908x0tsSingle URs vs. Allomorphy: The case of Babanki Coda Consonant Deletion8122241421
1fp2n3qqExperimental Approaches to Establishing Discreteness of Intonational Contrasts8020212316
22h474d2Syntactic Probabilities Affect Pronunciation Variation in Spontaneous Speech8019212020
35d4w2kkIn Search of Prosodic Domains in Lusoga7826181420
5fb5v8jbTone and Pitch Accent in Cherokee Nouns7724192014
7sd9x8vcMultiple Exponence in the Lusoga Verb Stem7716221524
0680h403Convergence through Divergence: Compensatory Changes in Phonetic Accommodation7619221520
4vb5969gRhythmic Repair of Morphological Accent Assigned Outside of a Metrical Window7420161919
7ws4x0d8The Predominant Pitch of Semivowels7319181323
84n009j6Phonological Neighborhood Density in the Trevor Corpus: Perception and Production Factors in Lexical Acquisition7320211022
3xp899c0Articulatory patterns in contrasting nasal-stop sequences in Panãra7117241317

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.