Department of Linguistics

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
03m736szDiccionario Escolar Ikíitu Kuwasíini – Tawɨ Kuwasíini (Iquito – Castellano)1,355211,3341.5%
8m17f977Phonetics and Phonology of Ikalanga: A Diachronic and Synchronic Study1,05212392911.7%
6m5744jxHijra/Hijrin: Language and Gender Identity1,05015989115.1%
2p93q7nrConceptual Metaphor in Everyday Language82970812185.4%
0x0010nvHedges: A Study In Meaning Criteria And The Logic Of Fuzzy Concepts75749726065.7%
3g9427m2Foundations of Meaning: Primary Metaphors and Primary Scenes75217957323.8%
0j89f85gThe Framing of Immigration51533917665.8%
4hb059t7How (not) to do Phonological Typology: The Case of Pitch-accent48517031535.1%
72n9j1f6English-Lahu Lexicon42527015563.5%
3hr9r9cdWhat is Phonological Typology?3963712593.7%
04086580Cognitive Semantics 3787430419.6%
54g7j6zhThe Contemporary Theory of Metaphor36423712765.1%
6d01k2vdArgument Structure Constructions34618715954.0%
7j1054t9The sounds of the bantu languages336183185.4%
6mf9j40qWhy It Matters How We Frame the Environment 3262438374.5%
20q7m5dxThe shape of discourse: How gesture structures conversation3162387875.3%
02z2h2fwA Historical-comparative Study of the Tani (Mirish) Branch in Tibeto-Burman2984725115.8%
2vw609w4Basic Yurok2872038470.7%
47v2w4gwWintu Dictionary26511115441.9%
2hd9m92jA Sociolinguistic Description of the Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan, Malaysia2635720621.7%
7tc6m7jwPhonological Conditions on Affixation2591778268.3%
6tr732ggComparative Takic Grammar24511313246.1%
1t12x6htAnimism in Thought and Language2404219817.5%
5kg7s881Pragmatics as Implicitness: An Analysis of Question Particles in Solf Swedish, with Implications for the Study of Passive Clauses and the Language of Persuasion2304218818.3%
7f6332bhThe Production and Perception of a Lesbian Speech Style2273419315.0%
2tj4t3cwCognitive Versus Generative Linguistics: How Commitments Influence Results2265417223.9%
8n53c9z5Accent and Ideology among Bilingual Korean Americans2251448164.0%
9vw0v4x5Pronouns and agreement in San Juan Atitán Mam2156714831.2%
5756w6w9Grammatical Polysemy: The Systematicity of Multiple Meanings in Grammar21432111.4%
0fx0928sNez Perce Grammar2103417616.2%
2pv0z6cmWhy Cognitive Linguistics Require Embodied Realism20982013.8%
4nv3j5j9The Contemporary  Theory of Metaphor20910310649.3%
5tq8c9rbSegmental phonology2073017714.5%
9px6p8h8Wick Miller's Uto-Aztecan Cognate Sets2061376966.5%
3c40r8jvThe Tibeto-Burman Reproductive System: Toward an Etymological Thesaurus2048711742.6%
7vp15113Metaphor, Morality, and Politics, Or, Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals in the Dust2043716718.1%
9h5136djThe Syntax and Semantics of&nbsp;<em>Do So</em> Anaphora2022517712.4%
4w84m8k4A Survey of English Vowel Spaces of Asian American Californians199141857.0%
2zn6n546Universals in Phonology1984015820.2%
2m45t9xjBantu Tone Overview1971405771.1%
34n2t9prThe Historical Origin of Consonant Mutation in the Atlantic Languages1943715719.1%
3p19w08rJust Put Your Lips Together and Blow? The Whistled Fricatives of Southern Bantu1922816414.6%
9sm131vjMetaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf1924714524.5%
0vf4s9tkRepresenting Language: Essays in Honor of Judith Aissen1911088356.5%
2fc6x1phSpeaker Normalization in Speech Perception1862915715.6%
9mw088r1Compensatory Lengthening: Phonetics, Phonology, Diachrony1854613924.9%
32b962zbMetaphor and War, Again179988154.7%
2g0609kgNiger-Congo Linguistic Features and Typology1755412130.9%
2q6685k5Phonetics and Phonology of Urhobo1751621392.6%
3z4852pdThe Origin and Development of Nonconcatenative Morphology1724412825.6%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.