UC Berkeley Library

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4gv1x0r2My Friend and Companion: The Intimate Journal of Lewis and Clark991569355.7%
91d9k96zDigital Blackface: How 21st Century Internet Language Reinforces Racism70723846933.7%
3qq499w7Library Terms That Users Understand44414430032.4%
2mq851m0Behavioral Expectations for the Mommy Librarian: The Successful Reference Transaction as Emotional Labor3909030023.1%
0tr8w53gThe Seductress and the Hag: The Demonization of Women as Witches in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and Beyond35423511966.4%
21t2961bComplicities: A theory for subjectivity in the psychological humanities2531866773.5%
7vh439t1Narrative Medicine as an Outlet of Expression for Healthcare Workers Experiencing Moral Injury2253818716.9%
9sp4f5brSearch Chinese Government Resources for Geographic Names22122190.9%
8ns2f477“Don't worry, it's a game! It's a game just like usual.” — Metal Gear Solid 2, the Military-Entertainment Complex, and Memetics in the Digital Age2161298759.7%
5k91r1s1Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining – Cross-Border (“LLTDM-X”): White Paper199161838.0%
7cd6j4zzRun Like a Girl: Renewing the Western Gender Binary through Testosterone Regulations in an Age of Neocolonialism1992317611.6%
7qq295gkMissing White Woman Syndrome: A Historical and Sociological Look Into the Case of Gabby Petito1862616014.0%
7md156rfThe Girls Who Were Never Born: A Study of Sex-Selection and Healthcare Professionals in India181131687.2%
4kw6v4qfSugarcoating the Truth: The Sugar Association's Impact on Obesity1804014022.2%
1w03f9r2Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining – Cross-Border (“LLTDM-X”): Case Study16651613.0%
1s55n7s7The Education of Joan Didion: Her Uncollected Works and What They Tell Us1622413814.8%
64k6s383University-Community Partnerships for Transformative Education: Sowing Seeds of Resistance and Renewal1531163775.8%
0pn6g8czMedieval Female Spirituality and the Wound of Christ in Folio 331r of Bonne of Luxembourg’s Prayer Book1523112120.4%
4kp877htBeyond the screen: Deconstructing the Orientalism towards Chinese women in films1514410729.1%
1db5350tBuilding Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining: Institute White Paper14241382.8%
8bq91550Fuzhou Shipyard at Fujian Province: Early Divergence in Late Qing Modernization14281345.6%
34b2g74hAccept, Accept! Accept?! The Problems, Solutions, and Implications of Digital Privacy1412211915.6%
9fb1z2gnThe Sexual Monster: How the Werewolf is a Lone Sexual Monster and Foil to the Vampire138489034.8%
14g8d6dfAfter Cesar, Se Puede: An Analysis of UFW Political Advocacy and Farmworker Justice in the 21st Century122566645.9%
4bw948bpGentrification in San Francisco: No One Right Answer119269321.8%
6j73t666Morphological Gender Innovations in Spanish of Genderqueer Speakers / Innovaciones al género morfológico en el español de hablantes genderqueer117546346.2%
00p3t7w7Redlining the Sky: Air pollution and the Legacy of Redlining in West Oakland111466541.4%
9779n7nqErased: An Exploration of Queer Japanese Americans’ Experience During the Internment Period111367532.4%
8bx0r2nrThe Materiality and ‘Enchantment’ of the Gebel el-Arak Knife and the Gerzean Flint Blade Production103139012.6%
9t19t9vxCaged Revolutionaries: An Examination of Inmate Unity During the Attica Prison Riot of 1971100307030.0%
2p3293k8Beyond the Chinese Façade: A Preliminary Study of Three Sino-Vietnamese Legends from <em>Lĩnh Nam Chích</em> <em>Quái</em> 嶺南摭怪 (Wonders Selected from South of the Passes)97593860.8%
9nn001h8Our Lady of Guadalupe and Friends: The Virgin Mary in Colonial Mexico City94435145.7%
9k93z4cfInventing Westphalia92306232.6%
38t2b2j3Divergent Prophecies for the Nation: Wu Guanzhong, History, and the Global in early 1980s China91177418.7%
3r21v828“We want you to listen to our words.” A Case Study of Indigenous Parents’ Advocacy for their Children at the Carlisle Indian BoardingSchool, 1879 to 191889583165.2%
8xd4m19wCapitalism Versus the Sharing Economy89216823.6%
56x5567wGoverning Empowerment: “Second-Wave” Feminism and Population Control Post-1971 War of Independence in Bangladesh88484054.5%
7xn3f1v2Privileged Exclusion in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Ethnic Return Migration, Citizenship, and the Politics of (Not) Belonging888809.1%
9qm721jdThe Languages of Berkeley: An Online Exhibition88345438.6%
3q92j4g2Mamelukes in Paris: Fashionable Trophies of Failed Napoleonic Conquest86572966.3%
2hc442m6Life Skills Education for Youth: Critical Perspectives85721384.7%
14j0g5j7“Hindu Toilers” and “White Workmen”: South Asian Labor during the Urbanization andIndustrialization of the Bay Area84345040.5%
0xf7t1qvWhere Upside Down is Right Side Up: A Study of Ksemendra's Narmamala and His Theory of Aucitya837768.4%
5nk2f2c5Over Mary’s Dead Body: <em>Frankenstein</em>, Sexism &amp; Socialism83335039.8%
3009g0jsSociophonetic Differences in Queer Speech of Spanish Speakers82364643.9%
6ps3b0b3Male Impersonation in the Late 19th Century as a Reflection of Social Change82414150.0%
5jh2b6cdKey Development Moment: Story of the Xiaogang Village76146218.4%
2944p0w2A Shadow over Palestine: The Imperial Life of Race in America71472466.2%
3f17j5nqCowboys, Indians, and Aliens: White Supremacy in the Klamath Basin, 1826-194671244733.8%
1708f98gBodies on Display: Poetry, Violence and the Feminine in Baudelaire and Mallarmé70333747.1%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.