Economic, Social and Legal Issues in China's Transition to a Market Economy

Parent: UCLA Asia Institute

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
37x1c0pkHousing Choices and Changing Residential Patterns in Transitional Urban China1712514614.6%
9395w3mkThe Implications of China's Accession to the World Trade Organization12011190.8%
5w68j5csThe River Runs Dry: Examining Water Shortages in the Yellow River Basin785736.4%
1hz5d4bsWork Units and Income Inequality: the Effect of Market Transition in Urban China43133030.2%
3ch365t6Social Challenges of Transitions: Individual Narratives about the Impact of Transition on Self, Family, and Society313289.7%
4cm0b3rbThe April 25 Incident and Its Implications: A Study of the Buddhist Cult "Falun Gong" vis-a-vis the CCP's Ideological Education Work Among the Youth in a Period of Dramatic Economic Reforms2571828.0%
8th9x1fnTesting the Cultural Boundaries of a Model of Trust: Subordinate-Manager Relationships in China, Norway and the United States2332013.0%
0mp192v8The Political Economy of China's Urban Reforms222209.1%
0pz96337Foreign Ownership, Foreign Technology and China's Economic Transition: A Case Study on Firm Performance221214.5%
40w3h4w0The Domestic Distributional Effects of China's Opening to the International Economy and the Politics of Institutional Choice170170.0%
70w3z1c8Dramatic Polilcy Shifts and Methodical Institutional Modifications: Developing an Indicator of Unemployment150150.0%
9hn5n112Corruption and Market Reform in China151146.7%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.