Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
1gb6j203Germany: Managing Migration in the 21st Century328618211570
50t4t5j9Identifying the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture25549538568
6161d89hCosts of mandatory cannabis testing in California14542442831
0s32q793Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change9826231831
3432z1pvEstimation of Supply and Demand Elasticities of California Commodities8515143224
30j3p1sgRetail cannabis prices in California through legalization, regulation and taxation8212152926
4b7295m9Agricultural Losses from Salinity in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta8015261326
3wc975kpEcotourism and Economic Growth in the Galapagos: An Island Economy-wide Analysis7717152025
6m53d4ffPierce’s disease costs California $104 million per year7721151526
6s27s2kbThe International Coffee Agreement: a tax on coffee producers and consumers?729191628
59c8m4x6Efficient asset portfolios and the theory of normal backwardation6719141024
2f50j1hcViewpoint: The future of work in agri-food6617121621
9s14452dRemittances, Inequality and Poverty: Evidence from Rural Mexico5512151513
3z46c37xCalifornia cannabis regulation: An overview54211698
8r43j239Methyl bromide alternatives evaluated5215111115
4v19r0rfARE Update Volume 19, Number 144371618
7k07b8n8Wine-grape production trends reflect evolving consumer demand over 30 years42148128
1xk3344kOptimal Reserve and Export Policies for the California Almond Industry: Theory, Econometrics and Simulations4115899
564261xxBrief history of agricultural systems modeling41917213
0434h70mNon-pecuniary Work Incentive and Labor Supply37791011
8x36r0d1Migration and Income Diversification Evidence from Burkina Faso3716759
625288kxARE Update: Special Issue-The Economics of the Drought for California Food and Agriculture3686220
02p6t5csARE Update Volume 19, Number 33571369
7116w7hnValuing the Numismatic Legacy of Alexander the Great3596515
99j0q0gxCalifornia wine industry evolving to compete in 21st century3595417
1j94r6wgMigration and the Sending Economy: A Disaggregated Rural Economy Wide Analysis34910312
2z04g0n2Returns to University of California Pest Management Research and Extension: Overview and case studies Emphasizing IPM34115711
4071q9b6Towards a new generation of agricultural system data, models and knowledge products: Design and improvement3377514
61t114zbCommodity Storage and the Market Effects of Biofuel Policies3313659
8587k78bEconomic analysis of revenue losses and control costs associated with the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura), in the California raspberry industry.3313749
3tb8d02nThe California Table Grape Commission's Promotion Program: An Evaluation3298510
5h4816dxSpatial Management of Fisheries3255319
2kr3644jTerminated marketing order provided resources to California peach and nectarine growers3171266
7836g6grEU support reductions would benefit California tomato growers and processors3191246
8bc8q7c5ARE Update Volume 18, Number 63185315
2xm28763An integrated bioeconomic local economy-wide assessment of the environmental impacts of poverty programs307896
2xq4h4zdThe economics of managing Verticillium wilt, an imported disease in California lettuce299965
0xn739sxRealistic payments could encourage farmers to adopt practices that sequester carbon2814329
0c9612qnEconomic and Environmental Impacts of Adoption of Genetically Modified Rice in California2786112
8ts8686pManaging water differently: Integrated Water Resources Management as a framework for adaptation to climate change in Mexico276849
9p13n1nvA Gain with a Drain? Evidence from Rural Mexico on the New Economics of the Brain Drain2757312
9t94r3k5Correcting attrition bias using changes-in-changes2712519
1fg4v5tfCultivating climate resilience in California agriculture: Adaptations to an increasingly volatile water future267568
4kn231p6Pheromone-based pest management can be cost-effective for walnut growers267937
4v55d7gjHow Brazil Transferred Billions to Foreign Coffee Importers: The International Coffee Agreement, Rent Seeking and Export Tax Rebates2631229
7wh6q054Economic impact of nature-based tourism2625712
1fp4b9m9Farmers’ Adoption of Genetically Modified Varieties with Input Traits2583113
2nz4g2qrPaper Water, Wet Water, and the Recognition of Indigenous Property Rights254759
37c3d7frImmigration and Colonia Formation in Rural California259349

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.