Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 4 – Conference Proceedings

Parent: UC Observatories

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
5n84b2z0Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics at Big Bear Solar Observatory6912202512
4gr3p2pfAdaptive Optics Program at TMT581781914
2vj6w3gmThe use of CPU, GPU and FPGA in real-time control of adaptive optics systems5613151810
910646qfLow Wind Effect, the main limitation of the SPHERE instrument539121715
3gp3k4kgRetrieving tip-tilt information from Tomographic Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Systems511510206
2zm625jkSelex infrared sensors for astronomy – present and future471214912
56v9924zExperimental implementation of a Pyramid WFS: Towards the471015166
217686nzDesign and Development Status of MKID Integral Field Spectrographs for High Contrast Imaging45158148
8cg2r2p8PSF reconstruction for AO photometry and astrometry45116226
015808kcMeasuring Segment Piston with a Dispersed Fringe Sensor on the Giant Magellan Telescope441310183
10b151nzA New Slow Focus Sensor for GeMS44916181
1k41x51nINO Pyramidal Wavefront Sensor Demonstrator: first closed-loop on-sky operation at Mont-Mégantic Telescope441216142
3wq362xnAdaptive Optics Point Spread Function Reconstruction at W. M. Keck Observatory in Laser & Natural Guide Star Modes : Final Developments44911159
4p4339x0State of the art IR cameras for wavefront sensing using e-APD MCT arrays441610126
5cf394whAdaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 4 - Program Booklet44137168
7t52h1r1Miniaturized Shack-Hartmann Wavefront-Sensors for ELTs441013183
93x3m220Non common path aberration correction with non linear WFSs43118222
1qh5b3v0Commissioning ShARCS: the Shane Adaptive optics infraRed Camera-Spectrograph for the Lick Observatory 3-m telescope421361013
2cr972ktAligning the LINC-NIRVANA Natural Guide Stars MCAO system42817107
2mq8n4d4First Results of the Ground Layer Adaptive Optics System ARGOS411191110
87f6s2zvThe GMT Dynamic Optical Simulation4189195
5dg67931Analytical study of high altitude turbulence wide-field wavefront sensing: impact on the design and reconstruction quality of future solar AO systems401310125
0479k8m1Observations of the dynamic turbulence above La Palma using Stereo-SCIDAR39613173
1x2266wpOptical design of the Post Focal Relay of MAORY3919794
80j280rvFiltering the interaction matrix in an adaptive optics system391012107
7t06254qGeMS, the path toward AO facility38910145
23w5v4vvNew Cophasing and AO strategies for an extremely large telescope dedicated to extremely high contrast: The Colossus Project37610129
8d79v3t0XAO at LBT: current performances in the visible and upcoming upgrade37131293
4jh5c19sLaboratory tests on HeNOS, the MCAO test bench for NFIRAOS3675195
62p140z1Measuring Segment Piston with a Non-Redundant Pupil Mask on the Giant Magellan Telescope3657222
6317r29bNear-infrared tip-tilt sensing at Keck: System architecture and on-sky performance361010133
7019b6vcAO for MOSAIC, the E-ELT Multiple Object Spectrograph36161010
8w80k9spAn Integrated MASS/DIMM Monitor Based on a Low-Noise CCD Detector3612996
1367c5xwAnti-aliasing wave-front reconstruction with Shack-Hartmann sensors3513976
1df66431Resolving the low-mass content of Westerlund 1 using MCAO35116162
2mn1w74zPoint spread function determination for Keck adaptive optics: overview35612152
3cq132qmPyramid versus Shack-Hartmann: Trade Study Results for the NFIRAOS NGS WFS35111392
29g816zbSPHERE extreme AO system On-sky operation, final performance and future improvements34912103
2mq7f7k6OCAM2S: an integral shutter ultrafast and low noise wavefront sensor camera for laser guide stars adaptive optics systems34101284
4h03k92bAnalysis of GeMS tip-tilt on-sky data: LQG implementation for vibration rejections34109141
56p467d6Astrometry with MCAO at Gemini and at ELTs3461495
0gt3876kSPHERE extreme AO system On-sky operation, final performance and future improvements3388107
6h92z4q4Development of an ELT XAO testbed using a self referenced Mach-Zehnder wavefront sensor33810105
7774b5p6GMCAO for E-ELT: a feasibility study3378153
81f1f8ptPrototyping the GMT phasing camera with the Magellan AO system331010112
2dm1m7jqMCAO numerical simulations for EST: analysis and parameter optimization3285118
42h0n70sImplementation of SLODAR atmospheric turbulence profiling to the ARGOS system3281284
6809n74dDurham AO Real-time Controller (DARC) running on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)3271483
9q7259nnNon Boltzmann Modeling of Sodium Guidestar Returns and Implications for Guidestar Linewidth32101093
5q66922dE-ELT M4 Unit updated design and prototype results31414112

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