Anthropology Faculty Publications

Parent: Department of Anthropology

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
0fm776vfThe Global Traffic in Human Organs35996968879
2xq430hcThe Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology328638574106
60h425cxThe Anatomy of Envy: A Study in Symbolic Behavior17846583143
88z675jqThe Principle of Seniority in the Social Structure of the Yoruba16943543438
5sn1795gCultural Citizenship as Subject-Making16434415138
0zq6h5vrIntroduction Worlding Cities, or the Art of Being Global16343443739
8m2406fjSocial Status, Wealth and Individual Differences among the Yoruba16347492641
7gf9j23zModernity: Anthropological Aspects16236424638
52d8w10gDecorative Symbolism of the Arapaho14833343942
0qn3s0z7Stimulus Diffusion14328384829
0zj0w51kCulture Change among the Nilgiri Tribes12435352628
0fc7p2wmOn the Study of National Character11932293721
6pn8d3btThe social and political aspects of food surplus1171063368
3zq8c13zFrom connection to contagion996101667
9nt6f73nHomes for Hunters? Exploring the Concept of Home at Hunter-Gatherer Sites in Upper Paleolithic Europe and Epipaleolithic Southwest Asia9722262029
85v7q5qrControlling Processes - Tracing the Dynamic Components of Power9625272321
2pz1m3wtPolyandry in Kota Society9317272722
0hs1w9jsPrelude to the Anthropocene: Two new North American Land Mammal Ages (NALMAs)8930241619
7xn3f1v2Privileged Exclusion in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Ethnic Return Migration, Citizenship, and the Politics of (Not) Belonging8818222919
163648nrSocial vulnerability, parity and food insecurity in urban South African young women: the healthy life trajectories initiative (HeLTI) study8221222118
6mx0569pFeature Interview: Prof Aihwa Ong in Conversation with STAIR781232268
8jc2g51vA mixed-methods, population-based study of a syndemic in Soweto, South Africa762422228
2zp873p1Interpreting ancient food practices: stable isotope and molecular analyses of visible and absorbed residues from a year-long cooking experiment7325171813
1q4300jkThe Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey7222142214
10p000kqExplorations in the Deictic Field6820151716
0q29504gThe Identification of prehistoric hunter-gatherer aggregation sites: The case of Altamira6718141817
9s51z8wgAmerican Culture History672717158
2nh0k2pxSteps to a semiotic cognitive neuroscience6624151611
5pp1465xWhite's View of Culture641682416
9j45p150A New Bibliography of Elizabeth Colson5815201013
4sc0b61mThe Problem of the Present in Anthropology and Urban Planning AFTERWORD551813915
6zd7q4xjDialect Differences and Social Stratification in a North Indian Village522051215
27k3b2x9Hyperbuilding: Spectacle, Speculation, and the Hyperspace of Sovereignty51247146
9g24w69p13 Transforming Archaeology, Transforming Materiality49221845
69v51802Achievement, Culture and Personality: The Case of the Japanese Americans4712101015
9180d4jfConceptual Histories of Tourism: A Transcultural Dialog47191864
0t49r94hMy Algorithms Have Determined You're Not Human46211186
29q0z3twCoping mechanisms during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in metropolitan Johannesburg, South Africa: A qualitative study.4612826
1085859tPolitical centers in context: Depositional histories at Formative Period Kala Uyuni, Bolivia45127818
85f2k727Community Perceptions and Experiences of the South African Governments Response to the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Johannesburg, South Africa.44141218
9780c95nA Pacific Eskimo invention in whale hunting in historic times441310147
9gb1s7k8Cyberpolitcs and Diaspora Politics among Transnational Chinese441212713
07h8v1x9Hominids, Pebble-tools and the African Villafranchian43119167
2ft4x5wjMeat outside the freezer: Drying, smoking, salting and sealing meat in fat at an Epipalaeolithic megasite in eastern Jordan4368821
4959436mResearch in Population and Culture: An Evolutionary Perspective43108916
94r2t2gqMaternal adverse childhood experiences, child mental health, and the mediating effect of maternal depression: A cross-sectional, population-based study in rural, southwestern Uganda.43191167
1np0f5ztCultural Variability and Drift in Himalayan Hills421011129
9t13v9kzEthnography, Cultural and Social Anthropology42111786
620136cpProcess in the Chinese Kinship System411010912

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