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Parent: Finance

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
43n1k4jbValuing American Options by Simulation: A Simple Least-Squares Approach60713422915391
9mf223rsThe MIDAS Touch: Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models52411814716198
7gh9t9w3Order Imbalance, Liquidity, and Market Returns20533477154
5bb1j39qBond Pricing with Default Risk17647345243
51k331cjChanges in Credit Policy: Reconciliation and Extensions15373362915
5zf0f3tgWealthy People and Fat Tails: An Explanation for the Lévy Distribution of Stock Returns13521354039
32x284q3The Components of Corporate Credit Spreads: Default, Recovery, Tax, Jumps, Liquidity, and Market Factors11026452514
36v1d9zgDynamic Choice and Risk Aversion10932372812
4qw3p6rpTransactions Costs in the Foreign Exchange Market10925293718
7dm2d31pCredit Risk and Risk Neutral Default Probabilities: Information About Migrations and Defaults10519224222
53p0r65qDollar Cost Averaging8221252412
29403706Corruption, Firm Governance, and the Cost of Capital793120217
6zx6m7fpRisk and Return in Fixed Income Arbitage: Nickels in Front of a Steamroller?7617151925
8wz980p5The Blind Leading the Blind: Social Influence, Fads, and Informational Cascades712618189
6668s4pzOn the Evolution of Overconfidence and Entrepreneurs6812142814
7j94111cHubris, Learning, and M&A Decisions6810142915
00n6f3phPolitical Cycles and the Stock Market6718221710
3w71g2chBond Pricing with Default Risk6613152018
53k014sdAgency and Asset Pricing62913328
6x49x543Do Industries Lead the Stock Market? Gradual Diffusion of Information and Cross-Asset Return Predictability602911164
0xw5m9mzA Unifying Theory of Value Based Management5618141113
7jp8f42tRelative Pricing of Options with Stochastic Volatility531662110
1xw4w7skPrivate vs. Public Lending: Evidence from Covenants5010101812
42w492j6The Characteristics of Leveraged Buyout Firms501471316
0499w44pOption Strategies: Good Deals and Margin Calls481713126
12w8v7jjElectricity prices and power derivatives: Evidence from the Nordic Power Exchange47615179
34k8f3pvOrder Imbalance and Individual Stock Returns46154189
48k8f97fLosing Money on Arbitrages: Optimal Dynamic Portfolio Choice in Markets with Arbitrage Opportunities461313119
40v212gmDoes Diversification Cause the “Diversification Discount”?45851814
4d90p8ssOption Pricing Kernels and the ICAPM421211127
9878h0knBidding and Performance in Repo Auctions: Evidence from ECB Open Market Operations42161682
8jb1q6z6Non-Secular Regularities in Stock Returns: The Impact of the High Holy Days on the U.S. Equity Market, Forthcoming in the Financial Analysts Journal40191272
8p95456tDynamic Asset Allocation under Inflation40103189
31g898nz"The perpetual American put option for jump-diffusions with applications"3857197
53z0s29kInternational Capital Markets and Foreign Exchange Risk36641412
6x63b7nxFinancial Policy and a Firm's Reputation for Product Quality3661695
3qk5r820Overreaction, Delayed Reaction, and Contrarian Profits3547159
82j2d59rInformation, Diversification, and Cost of Capital35641015
2jf8r7n7Common Factors in the Serial Correlation of Stock Returns349898
9s13f3zxAn Analytic Solution for Interest Rate Swap Spreads3475175
4699p9q5Equilibrium in Marine Mutual Insurance Markets with Convex Operating Costs3398106
9x19j2jfMotivating entrepreneurial activity in a firm3291094
7988m6jkInternational Portfolio Management, Currency Risk and the Euro3165812
6gk6b0xwOn the Consistency of the Lucas Pricing Formula3057144
8c68m5tk13-04 Expected Returns and the Expected Growth in Rents of Commercial Real Estate3089121
09f9j331East Asia and Europe During the 1997 Asian Collapse: A Clinical Study of a Financial Crisis29106112
2b82s539Feedback and the Success of Irrational Investors2965108
6kb972xvSpeculative Trading and Stock Market Volatility299794
6z81z2wcThe Joint Dynamics of Liquidity, Returns, and Volatility Across Small and Large Firms2965126

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.