Trade Horizons for California.
Not So Cool? Economic Implications of Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling.
ARE Faculty Profile: Alix Peterson Zwane
Do Farms Provide More than Food? Public Perspectives in California.
Delta Dilemmas: Reconciling Water-Supply Reliability and Environmental Goals
The 2007 Freeze: Tallying the Toll Two Months Later
Estimating the Costs of Sudden Oak Death:Results of a Survey of California Nurseries
Is Dust “Busting” Crop Yields?
ARE Faculty Profile: Aaron Smith
Retailer Pricing Practices for Fresh Avocados
OECD Support for Agriculture: Has it Historically Harmed Poor Countries?
Trade and North American Agriculture: Assessing NAFTA at 12.
Does the Internet Increase Farm Profits?
End Runs Around Trade Restrictions: The Case of the Mexican Tomato Suspension Agreements.
What Exactly Are They Paying For? Explaining the Price Premium for Organic Fresh Produce.
Farm Household Wealth: Where Does it Come From?
Assessing Geographic Branding Strategies: Lessons for Country-of-Origin Labeling.
Pesticide Use and Air Quality in the San Joaquin Valley.
Sales and Brand Loyalty.
Coho Salmon Recovery in California: A Summary of Recent Economic Evidence.