Vinen’s vibrating wire experiment detected quantized vortices in superfluid 4He, with the anticipated circulation quantum h/m. In addition to this main result, Vinen used his data to propose other properties and behaviors of vortices, which are revisited here. Subsequent work confirmed that non-quantized values occur when vortices cover only part of the wire’s length and that the size of the covered section can change easily. Any motion of the detached portion of the vortex induces changes in the circulation around the wire, which provides a means of tracking the free vortex. Particularly distinctive signatures correspond to a circular motion of the vortex through the cell and to Kelvin waves along the free vortex. Another issue, the lack of stability of multi-quantum states, can also be explained through simple arguments, in which the possibility of a partially detached vortex again plays a key role. Vibrating wire measurements descended from Vinen’s continue to probe superfluid flows.