Until now, most telemedicines were typically based on synchronous audiovisual communication, which limited the ability of medical experts to work with patients efficiently and effectively in physical tasks, such as stroke diagnosis. HoloSTRokE, or Holoportation-integrated Stroke Team Remote Evaluation, is the project designed primarily as an observational study of enhanced video techniques layered onto an already existing telemedicine for the acute stroke evaluation pathway. Patients will be provided the opportunity to have their image projected via Holoportation (like a hologram) to the consulting provider, and vice versa. This research introduces noise level optimization for holoportation to minimize the uncanny or strangely familiar feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers as patients. Hence, the setup time and the fidelity of the reprojected avatar resembling actual human beings are significantly reduced compared to previous research, which requires enormous effort in streaming high fidelity point cloud segmentation throughout the specific-configured network. The research expands the delivery of care for patients who are possibly experiencing a stroke with less mental demanding and higher success rate of diagnosis procedure.