Many semiconductors present weak or forbidden transitions at their fundamental band gaps, inducing a widened region of transparency. This occurs in high-performing n-type transparent conductors (TCs) such as Sn-doped In2O3 (ITO); however, thus far, the presence of forbidden transitions has been neglected in the search for new p-type TCs. To address this, we first compute high-throughput absorption spectra across ∼18, 000 semiconductors, showing that over half exhibit forbidden or weak optical transitions at their band edges. Next, we demonstrate that compounds with highly localized band-edge states are more likely to present forbidden transitions. Lastly, we search this set for p-type and n-type TCs with forbidden transitions and, by performing defect calculations, propose unexplored TC candidates such as ambipolar BeSiP2, p-type wurtzite BAs, and n-type Ba2InGaO5, among others. We share our dataset and recommend that future screenings for optical properties consider the impact of forbidden transitions.