We contrast three views of how words contribute to a listener’s
understanding of a sentence and compare corresponding
quantitative models of how the listener’s probabilistic prediction on
sentence completion is affected in online comprehension. The
Semantic Similarity Model presupposes that the predictor of a word
given a preceding discourse is their semantic similarity. The
Relevance Model maintains that utterances are chosen to maximize
relevance. The Bayesian Pragmatic Model assumes a relevance-
guided modulation of a word’s lexical meaning that can be regarded
as a Bayesian update of statistical regularities stored in memory. In
addition to a Cloze test, we perform an EEG study, recording the
event-related potential on the predicted word and take the N400
component to be inversely correlated with the word’s predictive
probability. In a multiple regression analysis, we compare the three
models with regard to Cloze values and N400 amplitudes. The
Bayesian Pragmatic Model best explains the data.