This research combines practical bench conservation research with environmental and social sustainability concerns. After canvassing numerous professionals in the field, five water-based consolidants were chosen to explore a greener alternative to the predominant usage of solvent-based solutions for the treatment of friable surfaces of low-fired ceramics. Acrysol WS-24, Aquazol 200, Jade 403, Ethulose, and methylcellulose were all evaluated, each in two concentrations. Test tiles were fired and their surfaces abraded to mimic a powdery surface. Based on the experimental results of the test tiles, two consolidants, 7.5% Aquazol and .5% methylcellulose, were chosen to test on sherds from the education collection at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Conversations with Pueblo community members were also undertaken to contextualize the research and discuss the reasoning and consequences of conservation intervention.