Objective: Determining accurate intracardiac maps of atrial fibrillation (AF) in humans can be difficult, owing primarily to various sources of contamination in electrogram signals. The goal of this study is to develop a measure for signal fidelity and to develop methods to quantify robustness of observed rotational activity in phase maps subject to signal contamination. Methods: We identified rotational activity in phase maps of human persistent AF using the Hilbert transform of sinusoidally recomposed signals, where localized ablation at rotational sites terminated fibrillation. A novel measure of signal fidelity was developed to quantify signal quality. Contamination is then introduced to the underlying electrograms by removing signals at random, adding noise to computations of cycle length, and adding realistic far-field signals. Mean tip number N and tip density δ, defined as the proportion of time a region contains a tip, at the termination site are computed to compare the effects of contamination. Results: Domains of low signal fidelity correspond to the location of rotational cores. Removing signals and altering cycle length accounted for minor changes in tip density, while targeted removal of low fidelity electrograms can result in a significant increase in tip density and stability. Far-field contamination was found to obscure rotation at the termination site. Conclusion: Rotational activity in clinical AF can produce domains of low fidelity electrogram recordings at rotational cores. Observed rotational patterns in phase maps appear most sensitive to far-field activation. These results may inform novel methods to map AF in humans which can be tested directly in patients at electrophysiological study and ablation.