Fast magnetic fluctuations due to thermal torques have useful technological
functionality ranging from cryptography to probabilistic computing. The
characteristic time of fluctuations in typical uniaxial anisotropy magnets
studied so far is bounded from below by the well-known energy relaxation
mechanism. This time scales as $\alpha^{-1}$, where $\alpha$ parameterizes the
strength of dissipative processes. Here, we theoretically analyze the
fluctuating dynamics in easy-plane and antiferromagnetically coupled
nanomagnets. We find in such magnets, the dynamics are strongly influenced by
fluctuating intrinsic fields, which give rise to an additional dephasing-type
mechanism for washing out correlations. In particular, we establish two time
scales for characterizing fluctuations (i) the average time for a nanomagnet to
reverse|which for the experimentally relevant regime of low damping is governed
primarily by dephasing and becomes independent of $\alpha$, (ii) the time scale
for memory loss of a single nanomagnet|which scales as $\alpha^{-1/3}$ and is
governed by a combination of energy dissipation and dephasing mechanism. For
typical experimentally accessible values of intrinsic fields, the resultant
thermal-fluctuation rate is increased by multiple orders of magnitude when
compared with the bound set solely by the energy relaxation mechanism in
uniaxial magnets. This could lead to higher operating speeds of emerging
devices exploiting magnetic fluctuations.