We extend our previous construction of global solutions to Type IIB super-gravity that are invariant under the superalgebra F(4) and are realized on a spacetime of the form AdS
6 × S
2 warped over a Riemann surface Σ by allowing the supergravity fields to have non-trivial SL(2, ℝ) monodromy at isolated punctures on Σ. We obtain explicit solutions for the case where Σ is a disc, and the monodromy generators are parabolic elements of SL(2, ℝ) physically corresponding to the monodromy allowed in Type IIB string theory. On the boundary of Σ the solutions exhibit singularities at isolated points which correspond to semi-infinite five-branes, as is familiar from the global solutions without monodromy. In the interior of Σ, the solutions are everywhere regular, except at the punctures where SL(2, ℝ) monodromy resides and which physically correspond to the locations of [p, q] seven-branes. The solutions have a compelling physical interpretation corresponding to fully localized five-brane intersections with additional seven-branes, and provide candidate holographic duals to the five-dimensional superconformal field theories realized on such intersections.