The development of new inorganic materials largely depends on manual experiments that are costly and time intensive. While automation has greatly advanced the computational discovery of promising new materials, the rate at which they are experimentally synthesized has fallen behind. Bridging this gap requires an improved approach to materials synthesis and characterization, whereby automation is used to streamline the experimental realization of predicted compounds. In this dissertation, I will summarize my contributions to this area. These include automating the collection and analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns, developing theory-driven decision-making algorithms to guide experimental solid-state synthesis trials, and implementing these methods in a fully autonomous, robotic platform known as the A-Lab.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a cornerstone of materials research that is widely used to identify and characterize the structures of distinct crystalline phases. Traditional interpretation of XRD patterns requires manual analysis, which becomes challenging when dealing with multi-phase samples that are often complicated by experimental artifacts such as lattice strain and texture. In Chapter 2, I will describe the development and validation of a machine learning (ML) framework that can automate the identification of crystalline materials from XRD patterns. This framework leverages an ensemble of convolutional neural networks, uniquely trained with physics-informed data augmentation to ensure they are robust against common experimental artifacts. A distribution of predicted phases is generated for each pattern given to these trained models, from which a measure of prediction confidence is evaluated. This method outperforms traditional peak search-match algorithms on a variety of experimental samples without requiring manual intervention, making autonomous phase identification possible.
Because ML models are fast once trained, they can be integrated with experimental measurements to perform analysis in real time. This provides the opportunity to use any information gained from preliminary analysis to control the subsequent measurements, improving the efficiency of data collection. Such an approach can benefit XRD measurements, which typically require 20-30 min of scan time per sample to obtain results that have sufficient quality for post hoc analysis. As outlined in Chapter 3, a much shorter scan time of 5-10 min per sample can be achieved by using in-line ML analysis to steer the diffractometer toward parts of the XRD pattern that matter most for phase identification. This approach is shown to provide more precise detection of impurities and short-lived reaction intermediates that are critical to the study of solid-state synthesis.
In early attempts to synthesize a new compound, XRD often reveals the formation of unwanted byproducts instead of the desired target. Avoiding these byproducts and achieving the target requires careful redesign of the experimental procedure. In solid-state synthesis, the most common approach used to make bulk inorganic materials, redesigning the experiments generally involves choosing alternative precursors or reaction conditions. While conditions like temperature and partial pressures are numerical and can therefore be optimizing using well established methods like Bayesian optimization, precursor selection requires a different approach. In Chapter 4, I will describe an algorithm we developed to optimize the selection of precursors used in solid-state synthesis by actively learning from experimental outcomes. It does so by identifying unfavorable reactions that lead to unwanted byproducts, and then choosing precursors that it expects to avoid these reactions and instead favor the target’s formation. The effectiveness of this approach is showcased on three separate targets, for which optimal synthesis recipes are identified while requiring few experimental iterations.
The automation of data analysis and decision making, combined with robotics that can perform solid-state synthesis experiments, have made autonomous materials development possible. The integration of these tools into a platform known as the A-Lab is discussed in Chapter 5. Given a set of targeted materials screened using ab-initio computations, this lab can devise initial synthesis recipes based on historical data mined from the literature. It tests these recipes using robotics for automated powder handling and high-temperature annealing, followed by characterization with XRD. The resulting patterns are analyzed by ML models, which then feed into automated decision making to improve upon the initial recipes and achieve higher target yield. We demonstrate the capabilities of the A-Lab by using it to synthesize 41 materials in just 17 days of closed-loop experimentation.
The work reported herein demonstrates the feasibility of autonomous materials development while also highlighting areas that require further improvement. Several promising directions for future work are highlighted in Chapter 6. These include the development and integration of automated characterization to new techniques beyond XRD, the extension of robotic platforms to deal with air-sensitive samples and to measure device performance, and the generalization of decision- making algorithms to deal with experimental issues like melting and volatility.