Digital-tablets distribute cognition through visual, auditoryand haptic interactivity. We designed a tutor-game thatexplored how narratives ((S)trong/(W)eak) and gestures((I)conic/(D)eictic) could be combined to situate embodiedlearning. Students played seven levels of a fractions gamedesigned to teach them how to create and compare fractions.One hundred thirty-one students (N=131, age x̄ =8.78 yrs,52.6% Female) were randomly assigned to one of four groups(SI, SD, WI, WD) in a 2x2 factorial experiment. Studentscompleted pre/post direct and transfer assessments and tutor-game log data was mined to explore characteristics ofstudents learning. Results revealed a significant interactionbetween narrative and gesture moderated by studentproficiency. In effect, students new to fractions performedbetter in an abstract environment using deictic (pointing)gestures. However, as students' proficiencies improved, theylearned better using iconically enactive gestures in strongnarrative with setting, characters and a plot. This hasimportant implications for designing adaptive learningplatforms and curricula for teaching fractions.