This thesis describes research conducted on the physics and applications of micro- and
nanoscale ion-conducting channels. Making use of the nanoscale physics that takes place
in the vicinity of charged surfaces, there is the possibility that nanopores, holes on the order
of 1 nm in size, could be used to make complex integrated ionic circuits. For inspiration on
what such circuits could achieve we only need to look to biology systems, immensely com-
plex machines that at their most basic level require precise control of ions and intercellular
electric potentials to function. In order to contribute to the ever expanding field of nanopore
research, we engineered novel hybrid insulator-conductor nanopores that behave analagously
to ionic diodes, which allow passage of current flow in one direction but severely limit the
current in the opposite direction. The experiments revealed that surface polarization of the
conducting material can induce the formation of an electrical double layer in the same way
static surface charges can. Furthermore, we showed that the hybrid device behaved similar to
an ionic diode, and could see potential use as a standard rectifying element in ionic circuits.
Another application based on ion conducting channels is resistive pulse sensing, a single par-
ticle detection and characterization method. We present three main experiments that expand
the capacity of resistive pulse sensing for particle characterization. First, we demonstrate
how resistive pulse sensing in pores with longitudinal irregularities can be used to measure
the lengths of individual nanoparticles. Then, we describe an entirely new hybrid approach
to resistive pulse sensing, whereby the electrical measurements are combined with simulta-
neous optical imaging. The hybrid method allows for validation of the resistive pulse signals
and will greatly contribute to their interpretability. We present experiments that explore
some of the possibilities of the hybrid method. Then, building off the hybrid method we
present experiments performed to measure single particle deformability with resistive pulse
sensing. Using a novel microfluidic channel design, we were able to reproducibily induce
bidirectional deformation of cells. We describe how these deformations could be detected
with the resistive pulse signal alone, paving the way for resistive pulse sensing based cell
deformability cytometers.