This study examined the role of union / management collaboration in producing meaningful teacher evaluation reform in one charter management organization. Given the importance of teacher evaluation to finding and retaining the best teachers and coaching others to their highest level of performance, this study provides a proven path towards improved evaluation, understanding the necessary role of union / management collaboration towards that goal. This study included 17 interviews with teachers, administrators, union leaders, and managers at Green Dot Public Schools along with an observation of an evaluation committee meeting and document review related to the period when evaluation reform was being negotiated and implemented. My findings show that identifying shared values around ways to reform evaluation is key to any change. Because union leaders have an equal say with managers over whether reforms are negotiated, they are more likely to agree when the reforms match their shared values. What’s more, involving teachers and union leaders in the decision making process (including communication) aids with co-building a reform to which agreement is possible. Finally, continuous review will ensure that potential issues with the evaluation system are addressed and corrected, creating a continuous process of reform and improvement based on that collaboration. These findings could provide a roadmap for other charter management organizations and potentially school districts wishing to reform their teacher evaluation system.