For highly critical workloads, the legitimate fear of catastrophic failure leads to both highly
conservative design practices and excessive assurance costs. One import part of the problem is
that modern machines, while providing impressive performance and efficiency, are difficult to
reason about formally. We explore the microarchitectural support needed to create a machine
with a compact and well defined semantics, lowering the difficulty of sound and compositional
reasoning across the hardware/software interface. Specifically, we explore implementation
options for a machine organization devoid of programmer-visible memory, registers, or state
update, built instead around function primitives. The resulting machine can be precisely and
mathematically described in a brief set of semantics, which we quantitatively and qualitatively
demonstrate is amenable to software proofs at the binary level.
As time continues, we become increasingly dependent on computational devices for all
facets of our lives — including our health, well-being, and safety. Many of these devices live
“in the wild,” in resource-constrained and/or embedded environments, without access to large
software stacks and heavy language run-times. At the same, increasing trends in heterogeneity
in computer architecture gives the opportunity for new cores in system-on-chips (SoC’s) that
provide support for increasing critical workloads. We propose an implementation and provide
an evaluation of such a device, the Zarf Architecture for Recursive Functions (Zarf), provid-
ing a interface of reduced semantic complexity at the ISA level, giving designers a platform
amenable to reasoning and static analysis. The described prototype is comparable to normal
embedded systems in size and resource usage, but it is far easier to reason about programs
according to analysis. This can serve both resource-constrained devices, providing a new hard-
ware platform, and resource-rich SoC’s, serving as a small, trusted co-processor that can handle
critical workloads in the larger ecosystem.