Complexity matching—converging temporal correlations
measured by correlating the slopes of power spectra—is a new
measure of coordination based on information exchange between
complex networks. To date, studies have focused on the dyadic
case, but complexity matching may generalize to interacting
complex networks in the left and right hemispheres of a single
brain. We examined complexity matching in a perceptual-motor
task between individuals and dyads. Participants alternated hitting
targets in a Fitts-like task with the left and right hands of one
individual, or analogously between two people. Response coupling
was manipulated by making targets drift randomly (decoupled) or
contingently (coupled). Results showed long-range correlations in
time series of inter-response intervals exhibited complexity
matching for both individuals and dyads, but only when responses
were coupled via contingent drift. We conclude that complexity
matching observed between individuals can similarly occur within
one individual, suggesting a general principle of interaction at