Experiments have shown that prescriptive norms often influence
causal inferences. The reason for this effect is still not clear. One
problem of the studies is that the term ‘cause’ in the test questions
is ambiguous and can refer to both the causal mechanism and the
agent’s accountability. Possibly subjects interpreted the causal test
question as a request to assess accountability rather than causality.
Scenarios that put more stress on the causal mechanism should
therefore yield no norm effect. Consequently, Experiment 1
demonstrates that norms no longer influence causal judgments
when the causal information is presented in a trial-by-trial learning
task. Furthermore, Experiment 2 shows that norm effects are only
obtained when the test question asks about a (potentially
accountable) person but not when asked about a component of the
causal mechanism. Both findings demonstrate that norms cease to
influence causal judgments when the task settings highlight causal