The current orthodoxy in cognitive science, what I describe as
a commitment to deep representationalism, faces intractable
problems. If we take these objections seriously, and I will
argue that we should, there are two possible responses: 1. We
are mistaken that representation is the locus of our cognitive
capacities — we manage to be the successful cognitive agents
in some other, non-representational, way; or, 2. Our
representational capacities do give us critical cognitive
advantages, but they are not fundamental to us qua human
beings. As Andy Clark has convincingly argued, anti-
representationalism, option one, is explanatorily weak.
Consequently, I will argue, we need to take the second option
seriously. In the first half of the paper I rehearse the problems
with the current representational view and in the second half of
the paper I defend and give a positive sketch of a two-systems
view of cognition – a non-representational perceptual system
coupled with a representational language-dependent one – and
look at some consequences of the view.