A model named “KIII” of the olfactory system con-
tains an array of 64 coupled oscillators simulating the olfactory
bulb (OB), with negative and positive feedback through low-pass
filter lines from single oscillators simulating the anterior olfactory
nucleus (AON) and prepyriform cortex (PC). It is implemented
in C to run on Macintosh, IBM, or UNIX platforms. The output
can be set by parameter optimization to point, limit cycle,
quasi-periodic, or aperiodic (presumably chaotic) attractors. The
first three classes of solutions are stable under variations of
parameters and perturbations by input, but they are biologically
unrealistic. Chaotic solutions simulate the properties of time-
dependent densities of olfactory action potentials and EEG’s,
but they transit into the basins of point, limit cycle, or quasi-
periodic attractors after only a few seconds of simulated run time.
Despite use of double precision arithmetic giving 64-bit words, the
KIII model is exquisitely sensitive to changes in the terminal bit
of parameters and inputs. The global stability decreases as the
number of coupled oscillators in the OB is increased, indicating
that attractor crowding reduces the size of basins in the model to
the size of the digitizing step ( ). Chaotic solutions having
biological verisimilitude are robustly stabilized by introducing low-level, additive noise from a random number generator at two biologically determined points: rectified, spatially incoherent noise on each receptor input line, and spatially coherent noise to the AON, a global control point receiving centrifugal inputs from various parts of the forebrain. Methods are presented for evaluating global stability in the high dimensional system from measurements of multiple chaotic outputs. Ranges of stability are shown for variations of connection weights (gains) in the KIII model. The system is devised for pattern classification.