My work investigates the relationship and ceremonial practices of a traditional Pre Columbian society while moving in parallel within a modern society focusing on Oaxaca, Mexico. Through a series of inter related projects you will be shown a unique prospective of Oaxacan life and society. I have been working on a long-term project in Oaxaca, Mexico since 2009 using alternative photography methods in combination of toy cameras and digital photography. My work is a palimpsest of materials layering one image upon another. Although at first glance the information may seem unrelated there is one connecting factor: ceremonial rituals and uses.
This catalogue will cover several areas of my art practice in Oaxaca starting with several interrelated projects. The first project is the festival of San Juan Bautista in San Juan Mixtec. The second is an investigation of the ritual practices involved in daily meat production from the only slaughterhouse in the capitol. The third spans a continuous 4-year project of photographing the General cemetery in Oaxaca city, and ending with botanical studies of native and indigenous plants in the state of Oaxaca.