This paper reviews and analyzes the hydrogen-related targets and policies set for 2030 in California and the European Union, particularly related to the transportation sector. Both regions have strongly committed to decarbonizing transportation and transitioning toward clean energy sources, including hydrogen fuel cell vehicle technology. We examine the projected hydrogen demand for light and heavy-duty vehicles, plans for hydrogen production and use, and infrastructure needed, such as refueling stations. We also review announced policy frameworks and strategies driving the transition to clean hydrogen energy in California and the EU. We also consider the impact of US-level policies on California and its hydrogen/fuel cell vehicle efforts. This paper reflects the situation in these jurisdictions as of December 2024. Potential changes in policy given the change in US administration in January of 2025 are not considered.
Our investigation finds that concerning vehicles, both jurisdictions have adopted an ambitious yet largely technology-neutral approach, allowing for the coexistence of battery-electric and fuel-cell electric vehicles. However, each has some policies and targets specific to promoting fuel cell vehicles; support for developing hydrogen systems is also typically fuel-specific in both jurisdictions and includes regulations and incentives. The policies address challenges such as sourcing low-carbon hydrogen, achieving cost competitiveness, and meeting the growing demand for clean electricity. Additionally, based on the targets set by California and the EU for 2030 regarding light and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, and hydrogen refueling stations (HRS), on a per-capita basis, California demonstrates somewhat greater ambition in both vehicles and HRS than the EU, by 2030.