When children encounter objects, design constrains and
affords action and cognition. An observational study in the
wild revealed how manipulable objects afforded greater
complexity of cognitive outcomes, including testing causeand-
effect and expressing abstract ideas about phenomena in
the natural world. Evidence comes from video analysis of
children’s speech, gesture, and action when using a wide
range of natural history exhibits. In the museum—an
environment expressly designed for learning—children
sought information with their moving bodies, eyes and hands.
They explored sensorimotor contingencies, looking while
touching, pushing, and pulling; they probed the perceptual
affordances of different types of museum media, including
graphic panels, specimens, models, and interactive exhibits.
Children spoke more about the museum’s content when they
touched the exhibits, but the content of their speech changed
depending on the object’s affordances for interaction. With
static specimens and models, children most often referred to
objects’ concrete properties. With interactive exhibits,
children’s speech involved references to dynamic relations
among exhibit elements. Use of abstract speech and iconic
gestures also suggests that they perceived interactive exhibits
as representations of objects and phenomena beyond the hereand-
now. In summary, when children used interactive
exhibits, the content of their speech was relational,
representational, and at times, both representational and
relational; they employed modes of conceptualization not
seen when using non-interactive exhibits.