PURPOSE: It has been reported that diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) with ultrahigh b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher Materials and Methods. Fifteen patients (7 malignant and 8 benign) were included in this study retrospectively with the institutional ethical committee approval. All images were acquired at a 3T MR scanner. The ADC values were calculated using a monoexponential model. Synthetic ADC (sADC) for higher b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher. RESULTS: No significant difference was observed between actual ADC and sADC for b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher p=0.002, paired t-test) in sDWI as compared to DWI. Malignant lesions showed significantly lower sADC as compared to benign lesions (p=0.002, paired t-test) in sDWI as compared to DWI. Malignant lesions showed significantly lower sADC as compared to benign lesions (Discussion/. CONCLUSION: Our initial investigation suggests that the ADC values corresponding to higher b-value can be computed using log-linear relationship derived from lower b-values (b ≤ 1000). Our method might help clinicians to decide the optimal b-value for prostate lesion identification.b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher b-value increases the diagnostic power of prostate cancer. DWI with higher.