Insect communities vary seasonally with changing climatic conditions and related changes in resource availability, strength of competition, or pressure by natural antagonists. But seasonal dynamics, particularly in tropical mountain ecosystems, are not well understood. We monitored cavity-nesting Hymenoptera communities on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, to analyse temporal patterns of nest-building activity, ecological rates, and life-history traits in relation to seasonal climatic variation and elevation. We installed trap nests on 25 study sites in natural and disturbed habitat types covering the colline (<1,300 m) and submontane zones (≥1,300 m a.s.l). We analysed patterns of seasonality in the cavity-nesting ecology of Hymenoptera at three different trophic levels –bees, caterpillar-hunting wasps and spider-hunting wasps– over a complete annual period, covering two rainy and two dry seasons. Nest-building activity showed strong seasonal trends in all three investigated trophic levels and peaked at the end of the short rainy season at low elevations. Nest-building activity was considerably higher and seasonal trends were better synchronised between the different trophic levels in the colline zone at low elevations. We also detected seasonal patterns for parasitism and natural mortality rates, sex ratio, and development time, which varied with trophic level and between elevation levels. Climate and flower abundance were important predictors for seasonal patterns in nest-building activity, ecological rates and life-history traits. These results reveal that seasonal trends in nest-building activity of lowland Hymenoptera seem to be linked to changes in climate and resource availability that reflect the seasonal patterns in plant growth and flowering documented in lowland savanna ecosystems. Higher resource availability also increased the sex ratio in bees towards the more costly females and enhanced their survival rates. These spatiotemporal links between climate, resources, ecological rates, and life-history traits indicate high sensitivity of plant-host-antagonist interactions to environmental changes.