We introduce a general framework for approximating parabolic Stochastic
Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs) based on fluctuation-dissipation
balance. Using this approach we formulate Stochastic Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods (SDGM). We show how methods with linear-time computational complexity
can be developed for handling domains with general geometry and generating
stochastic terms handling both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. We
demonstrate our approach on example systems and contrast with alternative
approaches using direct stochastic discretizations based on random fluxes. We
show how our Fluctuation-Dissipation Discretizations (FDD) framework allows for
compensating for differences in dissipative properties of discrete numerical
operators relative to their continuum counter-parts. This allows us to handle
general heterogeneous discretizations capturing accurately statistical
relations. Our FDD framework provides a general approach for formulating SDGM
discretizations and other numerical methods for robust approximation of
stochastic differential equations.