The Serial Reaction Time (SRT) and the Alternating Serial
Reaction Time (ASRT) tasks are widely used assessments of
sequence learning (SL) wherein repetitive patterning of visual-
spatial elements leads participants to anticipate locations of
subsequent elements in the series. In the SRT task, the
predictive dependencies involve adjacent elements whereas in
the ASRT task they involve nonadjacent elements, due to the
insertion of random elements into the pattern. We tested
college students (N = 74) to explore whether the SRT and the
ASRT tasks relied on similar underlying learning mechanisms
while also examining associations between task performance
and nonverbal fluid intelligence, visual-spatial working
memory, and sentence processing ability. There was no
correlation in performance across the two SL tasks (r = –.18),
suggesting distinct learning mechanisms. Whereas 95.9% of
participants demonstrated sequence-specific learning in the
SRT task, only 64.9% demonstrated learning in the ASRT task.
SL in the ASRT but not the SRT task was associated with
nonverbal intelligence, visual-spatial working memory, and
sentence comprehension. The observed results run counter to
the claim that the ASRT relies only on implicit learning
mechanisms presumed to be unrelated to executive functioning
or general intelligence.