Introduction: Cyclosporine therapy for Stevens-Johnson syndrome-toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJSTEN) was first reported in the literature by Renfro et al. in 1989. Herein we report an additional 4 cases of SJS-TEN treated with cyclosporine.
Methods: Case information was collected retroactively at the University of Louisville Hospital in Louisville, KY. All cases had a diagnosis of SJS or TEN by a dermatologist. All patients were ≥18 years of age and treated with cyclosporine during their admission.
Results: Three of four patients re-epithelialized within an average of 3.67 days of starting 3-4 mg/kg/day of cyclosporine. One patient passed away, likely due to advanced endometrial cancer.
Discussion: We provide a review of the literature on cyclosporine use for SJS/TEN, including various outcome measures — stabilization (cessation of new lesions), time to re-epithelialization, mortality rate, and hospital length of stay and, where available, comparison to other systemic agents.
Conclusion: The outcomes appear to be consistent with rapid re-epithelialization and low mortality as seen in many previous reports. Treating SJS-TEN with systemic agents including cyclosporine will remaincontroversial because the vast majority of data comes from case reports, case series, or small open prospective trials.