Prof. Thomas Orlando is currently a professor in the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) School of Chemistry and Biochemistry and an adjunct professor in the GIT School of Physics. He serves as director of the GIT Center for Space Technology and Research and as principal investigator (PI) of the NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Center on Radiation Effects on Volatiles and Exploration of Asteroids and Lunar Surfaces (REVEALS). Prof. Carol Paty and Dr. Esther Beltran are deputy PIs, and Dr. Brant Jones and Prof. Stephen Robinson are science theme leaders. Orlando, Jones, Paty, and Schaible focus on understanding radiation effects on the regolith and the solar-wind formation of volatiles. Profs. Valeria La Saponara, John Reynolds, and Robinson focus on mitigating health risks by developing nanocomposites for spacesuits and habitats. Prof. Phillip First explores 2D materials for radiation detection. Collectively, the efforts will help facilitate future human exploration of near-Earth destinations.